Surprised I don't see thread about this. I WILL be playing this game. Is there still alot of the CoH/CoV people around who want to give this a try?
if its buy to play, Ala GW. then im in, if i have to pay each month, i think there will be better Games out there to spend my money!
It's a sub. $15 a month I think it is. I'll be playing the beta on my PS3 since my comp won't be able to play it. If I can get some steady work soon I'll probably play on the PC for live though. But really unless it's really good its just going to be something to play until SWTOR.
Tx, so its this or FF14, for those that want that new MMO smell! personaly, ill play GW for now, and have fun, and after some reviews. well see, if its worth it. and how its comparable with other games like Champions online, City of X, and well thats it for our Super hero Fix!
There was a post in the upcoming games, but due to not much new news I dont think it has been added to in the last 2-3 weeks,
Director's and Jim lee's commentary on cinematic trailer
I loved COH so i'll be interested in trying this out. In fact i'd go back to CoH if it was free to play :\
lol...yeah when you dont hear good stuff about a games beta! then it will flop or get pushed! im glad they will take their time to do a good product! specialy if they do a game baced on the DC universe!
Yea its a big one. Not a lot of polish in the current beta state, lot of the UI is missing or not working. That being said though, the core gameplay is a lot of fun!