Huntsville, AL? Cuz thats where I have family/visit atleast once a year. Didnt know this was from there lol. I know the area your talking about though lol.
Very interesting. It seems we are all linked to each other outside of the obvious reason. As for the costumes. I don't have a picture but on facebook I've added the Spirit Halloween store as a friend and they posted, "What are you going as for Halloween?" I almost died laughing when I read one of the responses. One guy said he was going to take a trash can and put random caulk around the rim and edges and go as a cum dumpster. Classy.
A good reason to get into the circus crowd is making friends with movie FX makeup artists and costumers.
Yeah, its right off University near Memorial Parkway. I was born and raised in Huntsville, AL - Great place.
spent a few years in ala...Prattville..and a little place nw of Brewton..wildfork..lots of kin around brewton
nothing i dont have the power to do anything right now....but one day i will and i will abuse it for the time i have it and it will be great! but i live in montgomery right now so yea.....roll tide
Originally Posted by GunGraver The day I see one of these in real life, is the day I shit a huge brick. Hey man,i'm a mason looking for sidework.when u get done shitting that out let me know.I'll come and lay it in for you cheap!