Hey guys, we're going to have a community meeting on Oct. 16th at 5PM EST. Due to the requests from the last few community meetings, we are going to try an afternoon/early evening meeting on Saturday, so we may be graced with the presence of the EU section of XoO at a meeting. During this meeting, we will be discussing the ranking system, game of the month (and allowing any reccomendations from the community naturally), our usual recap of each division and also a Q&A and open discussion at the end. For those who are intimidated by the last meeting's length, we have no intention of having it last nearly as long. If you have any additional topics you'd like to have discussed, please mention them in this thread, so we may discuss it in the Xenate forums if its something that requires discussion ~Brown PS. In case this thread covers up the Game of the Month: October, Here is the thread. It is Global Agenda.
Thanks Cox, using a 2 year old laptop which I've abused the hell out of. The keys sometimes stick or don't actually register. Also added the event tag... Kyoji may be proud.
sorry but i wont be able to make it, i work thur-sat and dont get home until 10 pm est. But somebody will be recording it right?.
Reminder: This is happening THIS saturday. Again, if you have any topics you'd wish to have discussed, please mention them here.
People expressed interest in having it on Saturday, so we decided to test it out. If people express interest in having them on Sundays, we'll try that for the next one. I will bring this up at the meeting, and am quite surprised I haven't thought about doing that at previous meetings....
this would get good return business from those that attend, but... you can't keep everyone happy. but make it Sunday next time I'll still be there this Sat.
I'm getting a vibe from you which I haven't sensed since April... Yeah, I realized the flaw in my logic as soon as I said I would ask at the meeting....
We always have a problem with getting some people to attend so I don't think we will ever have one day that everyone can make it. I'll be there.