nice. I would never have used it without reading further in the manual. you are right tho, they don't call it severe overvoltage, they call it "extra-high overvoltage ability."
Yeah glad someone else caught that. Also I would recommend investing in a sound card for your system if you don't already have one, Asus isn't known for the best on-board sound systems, and the main reason is the short life they end up having before going out. Before someone harps me on what I said with Asus there, I have owned five of there mobos and all of them have lost sound on me within the first year. And no I didn't send them back, to lazy and have soundcards laying around so I just couldn't be arsed. So yeah they make good gaming boards as longs as you plan the investment of the soundcard.
thanks Klock, I'll probably be lazy on the front end and just wait to pick one up, but won't be surprised when it goes. I'll have to check some of my "carcasses" to see if I have one there too.
As I said Vandiego, no hard drive can come anything close to saturating even the older Sata bus. However it takes a newer SSD, or last gen SSD in RAID0 to make any use of the newer Sata 6.0gbps
I just want more love for the Ibis, one of you needs to buy one, tell me it's great, then I'll drop the 750 for mine.
Maybe ill buy one in the test lab for the company im starting. If I can BS it through with the other partners
Ya... cant say But the top financial analyst in the world told me yesterday that it is between a 9.2 billion and 30 billion Dollar industry where we have the jump on everyone. And someone already offered us 100 million for it right now when we haven't even started it yet and have no clients. BTW, Im 23
They avoided that problem with the Maximus Forumla III including a sound card =). Only other tip I can toss out there, try a boot on linux or something else simple, if nada works, try to run just a linux self contained boot disc. Then that would pretty much narrow down the problem to the south bridge as stated.