It would make it say "Kyraith" backwards. You wouldn't be able to read it. Edit: Oh, nvm read that wrong I'll try it hold on.
I tried: Modify canvas image size to 88x88 Modify canvas size to 100x100, anchor on top middle Move all layers of each state down 2 pixels Transform and Rotate Clockwise 90 degrees for frames 53 through 89 (CTRL+SHIFT+9) Move all layers of states 53 through 89 up 3 pixels Make a new state Paste a Outline in Copy that new state to all other states Delete the new state Save But with the layer it pushes it up to 170+ kb which is over the limit. I'll have to trim some frames out. It still cut some of the "H" out. The only way in my head to make it perfect in it would be to transform it and rotate states 53-89 to a angle of like 30 degrees or so but I would have to remove the white border on those frames before even starting and doing each state one by one takes a bit of work. Maybe if I can figure out scripts in Fireworks one day that'll be easier (I only know very little of scripts in photoshop for tasks) EDIT: Just thought of a idea in my head. I can just make a black bitmap of the outside of the animation that covers the border and paste it into those states. Well that's one part easier... EDIT2: Fuck, just noticed that even if I transform and rotate those frames a few degrees I won't have enough of the scythe to go to the edge (it'll be cut short from the rotation). So would have to redraw in all of the scythes too. This is too much work for a avy man lol. Lemme see if I can just get it down to size so at least you'll have something.
What I ended up with. Problem is if you resize it smaller the scythes will seem to disappear into an imaginary wall.
So is each rank different? Or is it just full members and up have 190? Would be helpful to know for when doing peoples avatars <.<
Yea but I stripped xml coding from the gifs to save space. You'll notice the one you have is smaller in size. I didn't notice the size of your original when I first started it. Can you please check the size restrictions or should I make a thread asking?
I looked into it, it is indeed based on your usergroup. XoO Member: 100x100 190kb (aka Member) Member: 100x100 119.5kb (aka XoOBIE) Task Force: 80x80 19.5kb Task Force got robbed! Haha but it seems it takes the highest from the usergroups you are in thus I got 100x100 190kb.
Thanks Arimil. At least now I know my range for members correctly. Fuck I could of saved time on some previous ones by not having to chop some frames. Can you find out sig restrictions for me too? I noticed full members having two images but Xoobie only is allowed one and has to be uploaded.
You can put images in your signature using tags. There is no filesize restriction if they are hosted offsite.
Code: Allow Basic BB Code Yes Allow Color BB Code Yes Allow Size BB Code Yes Allow Font BB Code Yes Allow Alignment BB Code Yes Allow List BB Code Yes Allow Link BB Code Yes Allow HTML No Allow Image BB Code Yes Allow Code BB Code Yes Allow PHP BB Code Yes Allow HTML BB Code Yes Allow Quote BB Code Yes Allow Smilies Yes Can Upload Images for Signature Yes Can Upload Animated GIF for Signature Yes
The GIF is still subject to the 190kb limit unless hosted offsite. If you upload it to imageshack I believe it can be up to 20mb. However... that is way to big to put in anyones signature lol.
Thanks so much guys! Sorry that my avatar was so much work Id like to turn the speed up on it. With the static border it almost seems sluggish now lol. Could you recommend a good free trial or something I could use to do that?