let me think, i love swords, i love big kick ass swords. i have some training in Kenjutsu (6 months, i stopped because i couldent go any more because of RLP) If in some moment i can but a long sword, you know the real kind the 2h long sword! also y want a No Dachi or Daikatana. ill be a happy man,
I would have to say my bare hands and my legs. You really cannot rely in any weapon in a moments notice. You have to be ready to fight anywhere. So basically hand to hand combat RULES! But if you had to have some weapon of some sort i would have to pick ARNIS Better know as Eskrima. WHY? When you know ARNIS you can just pick up any common stick that is hard enough to bash into someone's temple or any part of his body. Eskrima (Click here to learn more.)
I like non-weapon combat as well, most weapons would get you sued if you actually used them, even most styles of unarmed combat too, if 8 people attack you in an alley, if you run away and break one of their limbs in the process it's still 8 vs 1 in court.
GAU-8 Avenger They built the A-10 Thunderbolt II around this beast. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GAU-8_Avenger Enjoy the wiki link. Think there's even a weapon demo on youtube.
Gerald Butler's character in Law Abiding Citizen used this to kill his inmate. See the movie it was awesome how he did it.