Space music is awesome, justin isnt. and Fiku, posting that you like him to try and prove to your neighbours you have people that know you to come around and "sort you out" is just /epicfail
Sometimes I'm really glad that gaming sucks all my TV watching, radio-listening time away. I have a vague idea of who this is, but have never actually heard his music. I'm sure I will in a few years, though, when it makes the grocery store circuit, and then I will hate it as much as you do.
Its just like Lady Gag Gag. Mindless, thoughtless and senseless type of music that doesn't have any feeling. Random shit that seems to catch the ears of the "Trendy Kid" and pop scene. This is why I stick to metal, it doesn't suck, and it means something.
hehe...Id go one step further in your thesis..and include metal lyrics..the music is ok..metal lyrics are mostly the stuff of teenage fantasy and angst. Kids trying to deal with new hormones
Not really a genre thing I don't think - it should be possible for some pop artists to have genuine talent as well. Though I'm not quite sure what pop is these days, admittedly.
His influence is spreading ever further to the young' uns