Guess we need therapy groups for Farmville now eh? lol
But then all the crops will die! Everything was micromanaged to the second! The only thing worse is a power outage!
If these addicts thought Farmville was cool, can u imagine what they would do if they were introduced to a MMORPG?
Well they could try to get them addicted to Harvest Moon games instead, and dont let them know about mob killing just that they have a huge field they have to keep planting and watering...
hey be glad..... now instead of the news people making mmo's look bad.. they have a new kid in school to pick on. farmville is the new red headed stepchild
Yes this has got to be true, my wife is one of them, its so bad that if I want to talk with her I have to text her or send a PM. Does not sound bad till I tell you that I am sitting in the same damn room. So I figured I am going to build her a desk top to play Warhammer and have her become a cultivater to grow plants for my Alchemist.
Its no worse than the people who play MMO's togethor in XoO and talk to each other on TS, even more funnier when they ask each other for food or drink via it because they forgot they had PTT down
Ya, the wife is in the next room gaming w/me and we're on Skype together. Big tactical advantage for defending each other or target assist
Irony at it's finest. I wouldn't be surprised to see if Zynga surpass EA this year in terms of profit. Social gaming is the way it's going, regardless of how boring it may be.
I gave up on social games, they just get way to boring way to fast. Use to abuse them when they were still like Travian and Tribal Wars...