Mouse > Right Analog Keyboard < Controller huh? I personally play FPS better on consoles since I knife faster by pushing in the left thumbstick which my hand is already on than by jumping over to middle click which requires more time but I guess that could be because I don't have a gaming mouse with extra buttons or a keyboard like this:
Things I"m not liking: 1. Spy plane? That just sounds retarded use the proper term... UAV. 2. RC car (is this a replacement for the predator missile?) 3. Flamethrower
Same here, with Doom 1, then played Quake competitively, like I stated - only till this past October did I buy a "modern" console but I enjoy both the same. I just had not been part of a community that played FPS on the PC (until XoO obviously) and so I played with my friends, who don't have high-end or even mid-end (mid end?? whattt..) computers, so I opted for a 360 to play with them. I had a Genesis and 32x that I sold, and that I now dearly miss. They didn't make many 32x's : ( Edit: Arimil - that video you posted. It looks way to easy to get kills, I know its just a "demo" or maybe he was playing against level 1 bots but.. I hope its not like that at release. Plus, you have to remember, this is during Vietnam (right? I really don't know) so SPY PLANE makes sense instead of UAV's, and flamethrowers would make sense too, albeit an attachment on a gun is a little weird.
Spy plane makes sense now but to easy to get kills? How many close range bullets would you be able to take before you die? From the video it looked like about 5. Which really 1 bullet is enough to kill most people. FPS are about reaction time and strategy. Thinking one step ahead of your opponent. I think this is partly the reason I wasn't a huge fan of BF2. Simply because the accuracy on any gun was horrible. It doesn't take 15 bullets to kill someone. FYI that was a live game with real people.
So just to be clear, our division would be PC version right? I also can't stand playing FPS on console.
1 bullet will kill someone yes but rarely and if aimed correctly. Whenever XoO plays CoD we play it on HC mode which usually means 3 body shots or less and 1 shot head shots. The amount of bullets it takes is why I don't really like BC2 along with many other things but its still better than all the other FPS games out right now.
In MW2 I only played Hardcore S&D with ricochet rules. Any other game mode was stupid and promoted camping.
Omg, real people? I thought the graphics would be a bit better. Its a video game, I'm not going for "realism", there's plenty of other FPS that aren't almost insta-gib. I don't mind it though, cause you're right - its all about reaction time.
Ill give this game a shot because they added dedicated servers back in. Gotta support that decision at least ;p
If XoO gets a ladder/league team together for this, I'll pick it up. Too many good times were had playing CoD 4 with sokar, uruz, ronin, commie, etc... to not take another stab at it.
We're all waiting for that day lol. Fucking FPS has gone the way of the MMO and straight dumbed down, not finished, not balanced shit.