Exactly. I know that if I'm playing Halo or something, and there are 3 complete pricks in there who are team killing or doing something ridiculous for the entire game, if they say "LOL ITZ A JOKE ROFLZ" or whatever, I'm not going to say 'Oh, well if its in the name of LULZ, then it was worth the time', no, I'm going to report the bastards for wasting my time, rank change, and patience. Its this kind of asshole who kills console gaming. I haven't watched their videos, but even if its funny I'm not going to change my views. Internet douchebaggery needs a swift kick in the proverbial nuts. As for console banning someone again, Doctorie hit it on the head. If you're banned, you're banned. Paying $300 or whatever doesn't somehow make you unbanned.