Hey thought I would inform you guys on how I feel about the game. So far it's amazing, the beginning part of the game right away throws you into the action packed style of this MMO. After you literally take down a giant spider you don't go to a forest to kill small animals and fight giant mushrooms with happy faces. You're thrown into a ruin against a bunch gnolls and their boss. Theres about 6 different instances the last one being the final fight with the mini boss and then the grand chieftin himself of the Gnolls. Man let me tell you this guy is not a cake walk. I've never had a more difficult time in the start of a game that I've actually enjoyed then this. The game is all about timing and making sure you know what the boss is about to do and it's so satisfying when you deliver the final blow and the game takes snap shots of it at different angles. --------------------------- Now the way I got into the beta was due to a certain public figure on youtube and I dunno if he would appreciate me telling you guys he gave it to me so I'll just post my conversations with him which go into detail about the game. It's a lot and I don't want to retype it . ---------------------------- Part 1. I'm loving the game, the first boat of quests we're pretty easy UNTILL I got to the motha fuckin chieftin who basically bitch slapped me every chance he got. Instant K.O lol, and I'm the correct level and have the right gear. It might have something to do with the hard mode + difficulty oath objective but I think it's because of the reason why I wanted to play this game so badly. PLAYER SKILL! All about the know how of the boss using the debris around you to know the fucker down and chaining his ass with hooks while your buddies beat him on the ground. Downside I found so far to the game is the Peer2Peer. I was shocked that I saw this crap excuse for multiplayer in this game. I'm trying to get info from Nexon and Korean version to see if P2P is the final verdict for servers. If it is I can already tell their are gonna be a lot of firewall, latency, and timing out issues during launch. Other then that the armor sets look epic for lowbie characters. Completing a set gets you a awesome title if you buy the quest scroll for the armor set in general store. Speaking of armor I LOVE seeing the torn damage armor when the durability goes down to the point where I'm in underwear lol. I thought it would be pretty difficult as a tank to take hits with durability getting shattered when taking a different power hit from a boss but with the onsite repair kit it isn't so bad. I've seen some tank players play a really good tank and never use a repair kit during fights with the chieftin. Another thing worth mentioning is the coins you gotta pay for dungeons. It's a similar system to the old Mabinogi where you pay tribute to get into the dungeon and depending on what item you use it raises the difficult. Since you can manually choose the difficulty I don't the coins raise the difficulty but you need 2 coins for the 2nd boat to get into a dungeon and you get 50 starting off. They get replenished 2 times a week all the way and you can get achievements during dungeons that give you tokens which you can trade in for more coins. So I'm not to worried about that, but I have a feeling it make also be sold on the item mall. Although with all the ways you can replenish coins I don't see how that would be a problem. AP points is a cool system but if you don't pay attention to them during the end of a dungeon run you could end up wasting points since you can only hold a certain amount at a time. So they have to be spent right away. If the skill ranks are like the old mabi I think they go from F to A then 7 to 1. The way you get some skills are similar to the old mabi where you can buy some but you gotta go through the story line or do sidequests to get the other. So talking to every npc and hearing their sad sad tale is a must in this game lol. AND one more thing I dunno if its because of the version were in that the game doesn't have a bank atm but I haven't found some inventory bags and I'm dieing for a bank. There was a bank in the old mabi so I'm sure there is going to be one in this Mabi, with the current trend of recycling things from the old game I wouldn't doubt it. Every item seems to serve a purpose to some one out there. Whether it's a club or hat that you can't use. It can be crafted into gear, accessories, enchants, weapons and other stuff. All the gear in the game seems to be either crafted or won from quests. It's kinda like monster hunter where everything you find serves a purpose instead of getting trash drops that are just going straight to a vendor. DEEP Breath lol word has it this beta phase is ending in a few days so I'm trying to game my ass off. I love playing as Lann and I'm gonna go down the route of using a spear which is meant more for AoE and being good at dodging. In the old mabinogi it was possible to master all your skills but it would take several months and having your character rebirthed once they hit a age limit. With the meditation ability it seems like its possible in this game to but certain dungeons stop giving AP after you hit certain levels/progression which makes sense. Part 2. To elaborate more on the coin subject there are apparently a lot of ways to get more coins then waiting every 3 days. Seems Like the coin system has a side of it that actually helps the community as a whole. If a player who is 5 levels or higher then his party member he will be rewarded tokens to turn into for coins as well as tanking mobs for tokens. Basically if you run some lowbies around, possibly friends. You get rewarded for it. Each coin seems to actually increase the difficult. Like Eagle coins are regular dungeons and require multiple to get into a dungeon but are easy to earn. For example a dungeon that requires 7 eagle coins will only need 1 platinum coin. I'm assuming platinum coins will be exclusive and difficult to get because they raise the difficulty of the dungeon mobs ( i dunno if it does the same for drops )
Some note worth videos for ya'll to enjoy. The bosses in this game are truly something and all the traps that trigger while running through the dungeons are great. I can't wait till this game goes live, it is truly going to revolutionize what we think of F2P games. Also devCAT are the ones developing this game and not Nexon. Nexon are just publishing and devcat has a amazing track record in korea.
Shit just got real, the game has released a expansion/revision of the main game called extreme edition. basically they added way more combos + aerial combo attacks. I hope most of this stuff will be available at release. If not I can definitely wait with what's there already. Oh and they also added jump
I got denied for beta, I said the game was fail in the application. If it has a cash shop I still believe that. It may seem good now without the micro transactions but as soon as the game launches there'll be 9 million people that make the difficult game a cake walk due. Pay2win is not ftw.
Of course it's going to have a cash shop, it's being published by Nexon. And looking from the KR cash shop, it looks like it's just mostly outfits/costume pieces.
I doubt that, really the only game to ever do a cash shop effectively is LoL. If they do make the shop all cosmetic items then maybe there is hope for this game. Sadly knowing nexon I'm expecting gameguard, crappy servers, hacking and botting.
There are no official dedicated servers for this game. It's all peer-to-peer. Which is why every country is IP block from the NA client, except NA of course.