Commercial banned A Final Fantasy XIII commercial for Xbox 360 has been pulled by the British Advertising Standards Authority for using PS3 footage. One user apparently complained about this, and after careful examination, the ASA found him to be right. They say that they “noted there was a discernible difference in the picture quality of the two - the PS3 image in video sequences appeared sharper and colours were more vivid than those of the XBOX 360." ASA banned the commercial from British television although it will matter little as the game was launched a while back. Still, it does make you think whether Xbox 360’s quality benchmark is exactly what the PS3 can do. Not to mention what kind of user discerns PS3 and Xbox 360 graphics at a glance. more details here
Yer I was following this, Made me laugh that they were using PS3's graphics even though they still contested that Xbox's system is better. It really was false advertisement and they blatantly knew it.
Im more worried about the random guy who reported it, why would you go through all that trouble of reporting it. And yea how did he tell them apart on a commercial?
i Work with a LOT of ps3 & xbox fanbois, it gets really annoying on the company forum. 30-50 year olds arguing over which is the better console.
Wow this is really sad. Why anyone would care about a console's graphics is beyond me? Even more so the fact that someone put this much scrutiny into something this meaningless is really depressing.
I'm more surprised they pulled the ad over colour differences, when there's much more serious false advertising going on in all sectors of the market. I mean, they almost sounded like PS3 fanboys when they said "the PS3 image in video sequences appeared sharper and colours were more vivid than those of the XBOX 360." That's the kinda shit you read on internet fanboys wars, in the comments area of youtube videos of video game trailers.
Reminds me of the FFXIII screenshots that had photoshopped 360 buttons on PS3 screenshots.
Not sure Microsoft was involved in this issue, but I'm probably the only one who is likely to ask questions about that anyway
reg xbox controler was great, then they moved to those small puny ones that were for losers. but yes 360 has the best controler and people have to care otherwise what would their life mean if they couldnt prove themselves over small meaningless shit
The 360 controller is better but it is worse at the same time. This video demonstrates the flaws with both.
I watched the entire series Arimil, and must say it was a very pleasant watch. Though there was A LITTLE fanboy in there. Overall he was very technical and was brutal. What he says at the end will stand true though, we are all Gamers.
Yeah but the fanboy that shows up goes both ways some videos you'll think hes a 360 fanboy and others the opposite. But everything he says is facts while I did disagree with some things he says not a single round I would say was judged wrong the end result of each round I agree'd with.