My vote is for Dragon Age. That game, I noticed, was horribly glitchy. For one, the controls were miserable. "I want to target the elite boss... NO NOT THE ADD! Now I wasted my arrow of slaying, everyone just got roflstomped". And if I was aiming arrow of slaying, and the boss walked PAST me, my archer just gave up and lost all of his energy. You'd think they have a button to say "hey, team, come to where I am right now" or "hey, team, attack this". But they don't. It's just "LOL GUISE LET'S PULL EVERYTHING!" Mother fucker, I rolled an archer to play an archer, don't make me play a goddamn mage. And goddamn it, isn't there some OPTIONS for healers? One heal spell? When my tanks health drops like a rock from being hit by 400 mobs at the same time? Why do you mother fuckers keep leaving my team? I had to go through basically the whole game with nothing but the base 3 players and a war dog. Can I just pre-emptively kill these stupid NPCs? Wynne, stop complaining, there were 3 mages in that room. I didn't have to lose a healer for that shit. The end of every pull amounted to "Oh yeah, Morrigan survives and kites for 10 minutes straight" The tanks weren't even able to take damage. Only option was to run around in circles praying to God they don't switch targets to the healer. I spent more time staring blankly at loading screens than I did playing. Goddamn awful game. Should be taken off the market if I have anything to say about it. And the missions always reminded me of... THANK YOU MARIO BUT THE PRINCESS IS IN THE OTHER CASTLE.
Hmm, try M&M 10, they never released any updates as 3DO went tits up, and when they were bought out about 3 years later the new owners kind of didnt care about previous incarnations. Though M&M 6/7 are 2 of my favourite games of all time along with Elite 2.
The only game I have really played lately that really had me raging hardcore to the point I would stop playing not because of being bored but being angry. Infamous. A side from the jumping and grabbing mechanics pissing me off almost every time and being the cause of almost all my deaths. The fighting felt pointless most of time. No real variety in moves. Story was the only thing that made me finish that game.... I had way more fun playing Prototype.
I agree. But for me FF Crystal Chronicles because it was the same thing over and over again. Me and a friend kept going through getting the water drops like 30 times and still the same story so we just gave up. That may not be the worst ever for me but that has got to be way way up there on the list. O also Sonic for 360 whatever that game was call that was bad.....
I love Dragon Age, and I play it on XBox. So... yeah. Anyway, I'd have to say Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link is the hardest game I've ever played. The difficulty curve is like trying to climb Mt. Everest. I think the Angry Video Game Nerd even did a review on it recently. The first FF:CC has no end. It was designed to be indefinite.
FFCC wasnt my game it was a friends and we both thought there was one and kept expecting one or some clue/new quest to do once we got to a point but it never happened thats why i sucked so much for me.
Clearly none of you have tried I Wanna Be The Guy Bear in mind that getting hit once by anything is instant death and sends you back to the beginning. If that doesn't look hard enough, try dying the 5000 times he did before he could get through it that cleanly. You can download it at
rofl. Clearly the developers liked Metroid a bit too much, but some of that stuff is an interesting challenge to try to get through without getting hit at all. How close to the end was that?
FUCK YOU E.T. I was 6 years old and my parents yelled at me because I kept going on and on that the game was broken and you couldn't get past the first fucking level. WELL GUESS WHAT. THERE WAS NO WAY TO GET TO THE SECOND STAGE YOU POS GAME!!! If I ever meet a programmer for it I have a spanking to pass your way.
really pick like half of NES games for frustrating, difficult due to lack of stuff like diagonal jumping/aiming... good ole Nintendo Hard ;p