but they are slowed by them. Using the floor plan of your current location, plot a route through the building, assuming raptors take 5 minutes to open the first door and half the time for each subsequent door. Remember, raptors run at 10m/s and they do not know fear. shamelessly taken and modified for lack of a floor plan from http://xkcd.com/135/
Whilst shaped food is fun, the actual stuff to make it is ick. Especially as its so hard to properly shape steaks, its heavily processed, and processed food is baaaaaaad (fresh meat & veg ftw!!)
Chicken nuggets are made from reclaimed meat as they call it it's actually skin innards and cartilage ground up then formed in to meat shapes umm umm :drool:. The stuff in cat and dog food is apparently better for you than that shit. :drunk: Anything that is described as formed meat chunks on the box is made the same way. Here is a little rule if a 3rd grader can't read the ingredients you probably shouldn't be eating it.
Yum that sounds delicious... too bad I'm vegetarian or I'll be all over those crushed bones and organs!