I'm so hardcore, you all unconsciously think of me when you mention the mere word hardcore! Ya just dont know you do!!!! now that is friggin HARDFUCKENCORE!!!!
That's not hardcore, that's just being a nerd. Hardcore is when you make every effort to excel at your game, not having your world revolve around it. I know your post is a joke, but something tells me your definition of the term is skewed.
That about sums it up. Even though I consider myself hardcore I think my post in the other thread on the subject shows my maturity level when it comes to silly little labels. I thought this thread would be fun and show how these labels are unnecessary. Anyway, I'm so hardcore I would play GoW3 on the wii.
Is my softcore compatible with your harcore? I know i'm hardcore, and I don't think I need to prove it to anyone...