Window Movie Maker I would really like to see the finished product, are you just going to use your demos or get other peoples as well?
Just gonna use my demos for now. I don't think it'll be very good so I don't want to tarnish anyone else's name for the moment lol
Well its from previous matches so ingame. Which is the biggest problem since most media players don't play in that format.
Yeah I think you are going to have to play the demos in game and capture them using Xfire or something else.
Use Fraps to record it to an AVI, then edit from there. It works pretty well if you turn your resolution down (depends on your system). Here's one I recorded with Fraps at about 30fps (the Youtube compression kills the IQ). I could have recorded it at a higher res but Youtube chops it up too bad.
Thanks guys. I'll get to work on it. I was thinking the same thing but was hoping I wouldn't have to waste that much time heh.
it is funny, how you can do ingame recording, and it doesnt take up so much space... Why can't they do that with outside programs as well?
Do you mean the ingame demo function? If you do, it records data that basically tells the mother app what to draw and where to call certain sounds.
Yea its just the basic data and lets the game engine do all the work. It is not video recording, that is it is so much smaller than recordings.
Speaking of Fraps and using the search function of the forums, when i'm trying to record gameplay in Warhammer (I play at 1440x900) I tell Fraps to record at Full Size, however when I open the avi I just recorded, it ends up at Half-size. I read that a single core CPU (what I still have) can only capture up to 1280x800. I won't play at anything less than 1440x900 and that is all my monitor supports. When recording my game runs fine; is there any way to force Fraps to record at 1440x900? If not, is there another program that I can use that will allow me to record at 1440x900?