1. Age (18+ Requirement): 27 2. In-Game Name: Illincrux 3. Do you have TeamSpeak3 and a mic?: Yes 4. Previous gaming experience: I've been gaming since 1986. With that said I have hundreds of titles that I've played under my belt. And as a long-time standing veteran gamer and hobbyist 3D designer, I look for specific things that I like or dislike within a game. In other words, I'm alway analyzing and scrutinizing the content as well as searching for inspiration for my own pet projects. Overall, It's my passion for games that keeps me playing them. Past mmo games that I've played: Linage 2, Wow, AOC, Aion, COX, Champions Online, Guild Wars, Aika, SUN, Karos, Runescape, and many others. Three recent mmos I've played starting from most recent: Aika - Although the movement controls are atroshish, I am apart of guild that is very heavily involved with taking control of our nation (we rank 2nd). Any more information than that, I cannot disclose to anyone otherwise I'd have to pk you until you either quit the game or switched nations. lol All in all, the political aspects of the game and the constant struggle for control across nations as well as internally between guilds is far superior to any other of the particular genre that I've ever played. Champions Online - I had a lot of fun playing CoX and with the advent of CO, I was very happy to see all of the improvements they made, most especially to the character creation section during the initial creation phase of your toon. The customizations were endless and so one could literally spend hours having fun creating hero after hero. Although the game was too easy in many respects, which made it nearly pointless to group with people. I don't know, the social value of the game was near zero when I first started playing which lead me to eventually quit, but I've noticed they've made a lot of improvements to the social fun factors, so I may return some time soon... Aion - I didn't really get too deep into Aion, but the thing I really enjoyed the most about the game was the crafting system. I'm not a crafter per se, but in that game I just couldn't bring myself to stop crafting! 5. Why did you choose XoO?: You all seem very ambitious, organized, and appear to be very intelligent individuals. What drew me to your website is the open-mindedness and good spirit that some of your guild members displayed on the Tera forums. You all seem very involved with the community in a positive way and I wish to be along side you all in promoting nothing but the best from this guild in whichever form it may take. 6. Why do you think you'll be a good fit?: I have tanked in many games and would like to provide the skills and knowledge I've obtained over the years to your guild. It is a very difficult task to become a great tank within any given game, but I believe with my experience and all of your skilled players, we will become an unstoppable force that is to be reckoned with! 7. What will you contribute to the guild: A reliable and knowledgeable tank is what I'll give you. I know when to push forward and when to pull back. Most of all, I'm here to help you all progress and not just myself. Aside from the tanking, I'm a very down to earth guy, I enjoy slamming a few beers down on the weekends, and I'm sure I'll make a few of you laugh with the sarcastic remarks I make from time to time. _@: 8. How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?: Politically, I'm not the leader type, but I'll definitely go above and beyond in whatever it may be and to push the guild towards obtaining victories. As such, I very much do believe it is my given duty as a tank to provide aid to all those who deserve it. 9. Do you have a referal?: Negatory 10. A little bit about yourself: I work as the IT Manager at Transit Realty Associates which sub-contracts under the MBTA. I also run and maintain a side business of mine called Nextrix Solutions which provides services in IT Consulting for home and small businesses as well as Web and 2D/3D Graphic Design. 11. Activity Level? (hrs/week) Weekends: 30+, Weekdays: 20-30 12. Apply to usergroup: I've sent the request to join the Tera group.
Your application will have to, at the very least, double in size before we can set you up with an interview. Always nice to have another tank and being a good follower is the most important trait a recruit can have other than dedication.
Specifically, what would you like to know about me? If it's following directions and taking orders, I always adhere by them and I'm very thorough in my research in both pve and pvp. Coupled with my past experiences as a tank (lineage 2, aoc, wow, aion, and many f2ps), I don't think there's a single reason any of you should be in doubt about whether or not I'm capable of performing a single task or multiple tasks at the same time. As far as tanking traits go, this is what I believe in: 1. Tank too slow and the group gets bored and if you tank too fast, well then the group gets tired. All in all, I try to sustain a happy medium... 2. Always maintain awareness of each individual within your group and the amount of threat they generate so that you can affectively keep aggro and utilize the right abilities at the right times. 3.Research and leadership always go hand in hand. Even though I stated that I'm not a 'political leader', I do my very best to ensure that the best and most affective approach is taken with each battle.
normally I ask for more information, but I really just want to see how much work you can put into an application. So normally the easiest places to "fill" the application is previous gaming experience. Take your time there isn't any rush. I don't need a 2 page essay, but I do expect 3 sentences give or take per question. I'll get you setup with an interview tomorrow if its filled out.
Well the amount of titles in my 'previous gaming experience' is about a mile long. I figured stating that I've been gaming since 1986 would say it all. I've played hundreds of games and not only that, I've worked as a 3D/2D artist on many indie games as well such as Corporate Anarchy, Natural Selection, Stargate: The Enemy Within, etc. If you want me to list the hundreds of titles including all of the orginial nintendo rpgs (star ocean, chronos trigger, zelda, dragon warrior, etc) that i've played - I guess I could list them? lol
nmaa, I just wanted to see a little effort not a ton =P. Just list 3 MMORPGs that you have played and list at least one thing you have learned while playing that game.
Lol, I didn't see the 2nd line you added to your previous post after I had made my post. But I made the necessary changes to your delight I hope. Oh and I did list 3 in one of my posts above including lineage 2! Which is the main reason I'm so hyped about Tera!
PMed you the info for the interview. Also, in your previous gaming experience go ahead and list 3 games that you have played and what you enjoyed about the game. PS. Interview will be sometime tomorrow so be online tomorrow sometime after 2PM EST.
Very hectic day for me. Apparently, I'm gonna have to work from home tomorrow, so I'll be idling in TS.
I am going to go out on a limb and accept this member. Polite, and doesnt sound like a 10 year old girl. He is on double secret probation as of now; we shall see how it goes. ACCEPTED. Probation ends after 30 days. Post around and get to know everyone. Make sure you check out the New Recruits Guide for TERA and do what it says. The game will be a while till release so stay active on the forums. Whenever they release the next testing phase you are welcome to join us in TS3 and in game. TS3 info is stickied in the Members Area. We encourage you to look at games we are currently playing and give them a shot until release to get to know us and for us to get to know you. You now have access to the forums, the direct link to TS3 info is located here Remember to pick up a copy of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 or LoL. Both can be purchased via STEAM, since TERA is a long time from release we want to have our TERA members getting to know each other. Of course you are welcome to play any of the other supported games, however you would need to contact the CO that is listed on the main page to the right for info on how to join. If you have any other questions/comments dont hesitate to ask. Cya IG and have fun.