If the Higgs boson is the God Particle, then some particle physicists just turned polytheistic. a handy cheat sheet.
Antimatter Matters: Fermilab Glimpses 'The Toe of God' http://news.discovery.com/space/antimatter-matters-fermilab-glimpses-the-toe-of-god.html
Me also, but I get really annoyed by all the 'god this' and 'god that' stuff. Maybe it is you have to put god in there to have a chance at being read by US people.
apparently the guys at the Tev in Chicago might have beaten us Euros at CERN to find the Higgs . . . . . boooooooooooooooooo http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/...vatron-has-found-Higgs-boson-say-rumours.html
its just a rumor that is being denied by fermi. This still leaves the possibility that they have found it...just not confirmed but no three-sigma evidence. More data are needed for that.