Preparing the national concourse to be a Physics & Chemistry teacher at highschool or undergraduate university level.
I'm a student ! Just graduated with a degree in Computer Systems Engineering (BEng), and got accepted into Imperial College London to do a Masters in Advanced Computational Methods for Aeronautics, Flow Management and Fluid-Structure Interaction (MSc). Yes, I do acutally have a social life as well !
Im an assembly mechanic for the Boeing company. I build small parts and fix or replace parts that have been messed up or that have an engineering change.
grad student and a sub teacher. i study english and want to teach literature and writing at college level. hahaha jkjkjk wtf iz books? What is that?? (seriously, I'm curious cuz i wanna be a professor someday)
If you want to be a professor here (teacher), you now need to have a master's degree (that's way overkill IMO), and then to pass a national concourse. I'm going up to Paris next week for that (Paris hotel in summer = €€€ >.< )
you go in paris ^^ so you talk french ^^ yeah paris cost euro but euro have down ... worth less than before ...
Well, you can set a country flag in your avatar settings. If you look right under my XoO awards icons, you'll find mine
Mesemblais aussi que jtavais vu parler francais une fois je crois ^^ m'enfin sympa si tu vien de la france
Sr. System Engineer / Team lead at the local university. Great setup Walk to work everyday, saves a great deal of $$ on gas etc