I was thinking of attempting to make something, I don't want to say to much. However, I have no plans on making such an app if there won't be anyone that will use it.
WM 6,5 only bcos the best GPS map in poland is for WM only so far. Either way I would go for android.
I use android, for various reasons. I find iOX is waayy too restrictive and not fun to use. Also programming for the iPhone is a bitch since apple like to wtf you up a lot. Android development platform is massive and awesome! They have built their own IDE plugins for people to use to make developing applications so much easier. Don't think I'll ever switch from Android.
Android for me. Long term it will dominate as it is open source. Beats the restrictive Apple Juggernaught and has Swype! That is all.
It's a little old (Jan) but this may help: http://techcrunch.com/2010/01/21/iphone-android-admob-81-percent/ It has a graph showing the QoQ growth of markets. Trending would shows that Android is doubling its market share QoQ and closing the gap on iOS
Love my Blackberry, I chat a lot so it's my phone of choice. BBM is very nice. BB's aren't as powerful as other phones but they are powerful enough to do most work related applications, along with communications. I don't need my phone to be a media player, I can understand the value in having it though.
I use WM6.5 because I like being dangerously uncool. Though, more seriously, it's because it plays best with my employer's IT system and that's half the reason I have a smartphone in the first place. The other (being able to look up where I'm going and how to get there from anywhere) can be done from pretty much any phone anyway.
Have windows, but want an android for sure, the Droid X looks awesome, might have to cross the border to grab one
OK, well after doing a bit of research what I had plans on attempting is indeed possible. I however have no clue how to do it. I'm working at it now though. Reason for this topic was I was going to make an Android app that is pretty much a mobile version of the whole XoO website with possible notifications of new front page posts etc. However this would be a big project and I wasn't going to do it if I was going to be the only one to use it. From the poll results and comments it seems that a lot of XoO does indeed have Android devices and even those who don't some of them are looking into getting one. I downloaded the android SDK yesterday and started working with it today. I haven't actually begun attempting to make the app yet though. Even though I made this post, don't expect me to finish this app if it turns out to be to time consuming due to my lack of java knowledge I may not finish it.
Well have you actually coded before? You need the android SDK for starters and you need to get your head around how to use it. Also I recommend using Eclipse as your IDE as its got a nice Android plugin to handle all the libraries and make files. Start off with simple apps and then progress, its quite easy once you get the hang of it. I've done a couple of apps my self for android, for personal use, and its a really nice development platform to work with ! Word of warning though for your project, it may need some server side assistance i.e. the xoo forums has to give you data in a specific way. There may be a general vBulletin API that you can use, but I don't know of one.