1. Age (18+ Requirement): 18 2. In-Game Name: Planning on Dread 3. Do you have TeamSpeak3 and a mic?: Yes. 4. Previous gaming experience: Yes. Ever since I was 3 years old. World of Warcraft is probably my most extensive experience, having 5 80's: shaman, hunter, warrior, warlock, and death knight. (death knight barely counts). In Guild Wars, I had a PvP Necro and a PvE Ranger. In Ultima Online I'm pretty sure I played my brother's account as an archer. And in Diablo, a necromancer. Oh yeah, and Aion... stopped playing at level 35 because it got so dull. But a level 35 assassin. 5. Why did you choose XoO?: Fancy website and lots of members. Saw them in WoW sometimes too. With the political system and all, I think having a big guild would be very interesting. 6. Why do you think you'll be a good fit?: Can't honestly tell you, seeing how I barely know the guild at all so far. 7. What will you contribute to the guild: I really enjoy PvP and I am good at archer classes in particular. You need someone up for owPvP or some battlegrounds, I'll always be up for that stuff. Also, I do really like dungeons and raids, but I don't do them quite as much, being as it's difficult to find a decent raiding guild. In WoW I was in Angst until it broke up... on the server Whisperwind. 8. How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?: I do well in owPvP, and I am reliable if I say I can make it to a raid. Archer has always been my specialization. Hunter was my first character in WoW, ranger was my first in Guild Wars. 9. Do you have a referal?: Nope. 10. A little bit about yourself: Name's Alex, 18 years old, been playing video games since I was 3. Played Diablo II, Ultima Online, Guild Wars, Aion, and World of Warcraft before this. As for random personal stuff, I am a history major in college with a minor in graphic design, maybe changing major to neuroscience and trying to get into the brain surgeon field. On that note, I read a lot of Scientific American and Neurology Journal haha. Umm... I have two dogs, I'm vegetarian, I'm relatively relaxed, enjoy just joking around sometimes. I'm a total metalhead too, my favorite subgenre being industrial metal. And my favorite bands being: Mushroomhead, Circus of Dead Squirrels, and Ventana. (look up 8-bit piece of shit by Circus of Dead Squirrels for something funny) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zaEy-S82pM&feature=related Now I think that's pleeeeenty enough about me 11. Activity Level? (hrs/week) ~35 (minimum of 30 hours a week requirement) 12. Apply to usergroup: Eh?
gaming since 3? that is hardcore. what was the first game? and I have been feeling extra fancy since joining xoo personally, are we fancy? do i need to buy a monocle?
ACCEPTED. Probation ends after 30 days. Post around and get to know everyone. Make sure you check out the New Recruits Guide for TERA and do what it says. The game will be a while till release so stay active on the forums. Whenever they release the next testing phase you are welcome to join us in vent and in game. Vent info is stickied in the Members Area.
Wow accepted already hehe And my first game... I am blanking on the name but it was definitely a Mario game. And yes, a vegetarian neurologist who listens to metal
getting accepted is easy. Washing out before the game launches is a whole new task. Stay active, hop on TS3 and you won't have any problems. Otherwise...refer to denied section for more info.