On the very edge of the galaxy lies the Sargos Sector. For centuries it was rendered uninhabitable and isolated by volatile Warp Storms. Even now, deep within the sector the very fabric of reality is unraveling. Only the ancient Sentinel Devices hold the Warp at bay. But the ravages of time and meddling of humanity have weakened the Sentinel Devices—and now, the battle for these lost worlds is at hand. Drawn to the conflict, the great races of the galaxy descend upon the Sargos Sector, seeking to preserve reality—or to tear it asunder. Side with the forces of Order, or the vile hosts of Destruction, in a war that will unlock ancient secrets, reveal dark purposes, and determine the fate of the Sargos Sector. For in this dark millennium, there is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter. Facebook: http://www.facebook....125421090831241 Twitter: http://twitter.com/DarkMillennium Factions: Unknown Vehicles: Land Speeder ( forgot what the bikes were called ) Wartruk Vehicles will be able to ride more then one player depending on the type. For example Rhinos and Wartruks would be 4 players and such. Races: Orks - Playable Chaos - Playable Space Marines - Playable Imperial Guard - Playable Plausible races: Tyranids - Rumored Eldar - Hinted by dev to be in game in final launch. Est. latest release date: Q1 2013 Gathered info: They have not stated how many factions there will be or what further races will be in. Developer did hint that Eldar will be there and eldar fans will not be disappointed. There is a possibility that we might be looking at a 4 way FFA. The game is definitely going to include vehicles and many of them. There will be a PvE aspect of the game where you are basically glorified as a hero and do heroic quests. More information is supposedly going to be announced as the year goes through. Everyone is assuming that this will be at the GCU or Comic Con and a few snippets coming through the web page. They haven't announced what phase the game is in. They are basically saying the the main focus of the development so far is the visual since they started and the surrounding scenery. So for those of you who like fluff there will be plenty of it in this game by the time it's done. What this means about the PVP I don't know there is not enough information. Other then that the model of the game whether it will be sub or micro will be determined based on the market in 2011+. So this game could possibly be launched as a F2P or a hybrid like APB from Real Time Worlds. Video Interviews: http://www.tentonhammer.com/events/e3/2010/wh40k-interview http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2010-dark-millenium/700742 http://e3.gamespot.com/video/6266617/ http://www.zam.com/video.html?video=394 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9svQiR1yZ4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDonWqlpDEU Anything else I missed is here http://vigilgames.com/e3 Anti-2 Faction Operation: 1) Be so kind and drop Vigil Games a line on their facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=129007387123006&topic=128 2) Sign the petition (your name will not show if you sign the petition): http://www.petitiononline.com/WH40kDM/petition.html 3) Join the facebook group "We don't want a two-faction-system in WH40k Dark Millenium" http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=122334907808242 I'll be posting more stuff as it comes
That looked pretty sweet. Ive been praying they would do this one right, because if they do there isnt going to be another MMO that will match it, too much lore and awesomeness.
At 0:40 it looks like its going to be a third person shooter and then you have your abilities. +1 for being like Tabula Rasa in that respect.
Neg, went through it frame by frame. Every space marine shown was wearing a black templar cross somewhere, but they did have black templars in gold/grey armor.
Nothing new happening so far other then Vigil going out for ice cream during a fire drill lol. So more info tomorrow when they open their booth to the media.
Do we have 3 of these threads for the same game running around? Just wanted to make sure in case for some reason there were 3 different Warhammer 40k games announced this week. This, Warhammer Online was decent, but fell on its face pretty fast due to a lot issues (no offense to the WAR division, I enjoyed the game immensely). I'm not holding my breath yet, but I definitely will keep this on my games I want to play list. I'm an avid 40k fan too, a lot more so than fantasy. Edit: Ok, nevermind. After watching the whole video, will be buying/playing this no matter what... Sign me up for 2011/2012 lol.
That will make me cry inside to find out that there combining the races.... It will piss me off with out a doubt but ill probably still play it unfortunately.
Like everyone else, I've been looking forward to this game for ever. When I first saw the playable races; Empire, Eldar, Chaos and Orks, I was praying that they would all be separate factions. As a fanboi, that would be closer to the game-world's lore and as an MMO gamer, it would be a breath of fresh air when EVERY damned MMO these days has a 2 faction setup. But as Eckehart has pointed out it looks like they're sticking to the time-worn and basically worn out approach. I'll probably end up playing anyway but already, I'm thinking that this is going to be another 'if only' mmo.