~Membership Requirements~ 1. You must be atleast 18 years old. yes 2. A working mic and TeamSpeak3. yes 3. Destruction side only. yes 4. "Regular" play will be required to maintain your membership. If you are planning on being gone for more than 2 weeks please contact your division leaders. atm on summer vacation so able to play quite freely, also have a 60 day time card so im in it for some time. _________________________________________________ Old members: Q. What XoO Divisions are you currently part of? A. atm part of tera, but wont come out for some time __ List atleast 3 other members who can vouch for you. kyoji, vicous, cox _________________________________________________
atm still dl the game, been 2 hours and less than half done... it should be Asgaga but ill verify when im in game.