More awesome ! Do you know Rooster Teeth ? They're the guys who make Red vs. Blue, the halo based famous web series. They're awesome. Do you know Monty Oum ? He's the guy who made Haloid and the Dead Fantasy series. He is awesome. I just learnt that Monty Oum has been hired by Rooster teeth. He's actually been working for them for 6 month on their new Red vs Blue series. Awesome !! Interview of Monty here : If only I had the time, I'd start up Maya and learn how to make animations with it. (I sure have the CPU power for it). Monty's films are really inspiring.
Once you get the general idea of what is going on, animation is not hard at all. I work in 3ds max and it is really simple if you know how the body works.
I loved the first 4 seasons of RvB. I would love to get them all on dvd. Some very well thought out humour on them. I still get a laugh out of them when I go back and watch. The other series I never found as funny though. I really never game them a chance though, I just didn't feel a connection having not played the games they were associated with.
Not really, your best bet would be to just google it and watch pretty much all of them so you can catch what they do.
The grounbreaking video that made Monty Oum famous all over the net : HALOID Bonus !! The fun ending : And the series that confirmed his unbelievable talent, not to mention his work ouput (everything was done by himself, while having a real job to attend to) Switch to 720p ! Dead Fantasy 1 Dead Fantasy 2 The sequels are shorter in order to have them out quicker : Dead Fantasy 3 Dead Fantasy 4 Dead Fantasy 5 And the next episodes are due ... 2011. Mounty found a shitload of top class gear for making movies at his new job at Rooster Teeth and so will make the next Dead Fantasy even more awesome than he hoped at first. But this will take time ...