*Strolls by whistling and drops something* http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3E725W39 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LDVZI60P
applied. I enjoyed playing FFXI, I was just waaayy behind the trend and ended up having no one to play with (and dealing with ridiculously inflated prices on things and having to grind moat carp for fast cash -.-)
Whoa, whoa.. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa, whoa whoa... What? This is blasphemy you speak of! And not XoO Blasphemy.
Sounds like you didn't even play. If that's teh case heres a word of advice don't believe everything you hear.
haha seriously though FML it's nikkeh. FFXI didn't really suck, then again it's all personal preference, but if you say it sucks your dumb, just kidding haha. Also thanks Owainn, I like to drop in but then every time I come it makes me sad that I didn't get into the beta haha, I better get in damn it! So now for me to stray away from this FFXIV obsession and, ya who am I kidding I want more info! I still look every other day for new info, let down 99.9% of that time haha
I could say some things about WAR, because I actually played it, but I won't out of respect for the division. See how that works?
I saw that Square had to take some videos down from some game sites due to the gameplay being "too boring". I'll try to find the article, but I did watch the videos, and it was terribly boring (considering, it was only 3 videos.. but still made an impact on me). More-so than FF11 was sometimes. I hope they release some more "upbeat" videos/content soon, or I'll be probably passing on this. I know its still in beta, but still...
OMG! I get to play something with eskara! Gotta let me know when you hit states side. I might drive my ass up there and drink with you and ronin.
Do you know how sillly this sounds? How can you tell how much fun a game is from watching a video? Please let me know ? I've seen the videos that you're talking about and while they are stale (not to much gonig on) they are no indication of the final product.