"Set and produced in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Breaking Bad is the story of Walter White (Bryan Cranston), a struggling high school chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with terminal lung cancer at the beginning of the series. He breaks down and turns to a life of crime, producing and selling methamphetamine with his former student Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) in a desire to secure his family's financial future.[1] Breaking Bad has received widespread critical acclaim, particularly for its writing as well as Bryan Cranston's and Aaron Paul's performances, and has won four Emmy Awards in addition to numerous other awards and nominations." Just got done with the first season and I am so impressed with this show. Cranston's acting is superb, not even for a second do I feel disconnected from his character. This show is dramatic, intense, and at times can have you busting up laughing. This is a must see. Season 1 and 2 are on DVD and season 3 is airing now. Opening Scene of the Pilot.. Check it out.
yea..Ive followed this show..great show. Love how the main charactor has developed. Also some very on edge action. id be surprised if most were not already watching this since season one..a highly rated show
I can't believe I hadn't watched it till now tbh, it's because of that I thought I should share it even though it's been out a while. I'm pretty consistent when it comes to not letting amazing movies/shows pass me by. So yeah, if Breaking Bad got by me, maybe it did for many others. hehe.
Mad men..another highly rated show I always watch. Kind of an adult drama that you need to be interested in the charactors to really get in to. Great directing..acting..charactor has some great style too..set in the 1950's madison avenue, New york...high flying advertising al..Mad men..madison avenue men It deals frankly with the morals and society values america had in the 50's...
Oh yeah, I saw first season of Mad Men and the critic in me knows it's a amazing show. I slowly lost interest in it only because it just didn't fit my demographic. But yeah, I thought the show was good. I remember I recommended it to my parents/grandparents and it's one of their favorite shows.
It's one of the best shows on television by far. I am partial to shows from the 'bad guy' perspective such as Sopranos,Sons of Anarchy, Dexter, Weeds,The Wire. The direction in this show is amazing, It lacks in that it's really just based on 2 central characters and their life but it makes up for it by throwing in a bit from the lives of the people around them and they are always adding (and disposing of)new characters. I would like to see just a tadbit improvement on the dialogue but it pretty much does all it needs to. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it develops in the future. It's not like most shows in which people keep the same routine,jobs,environments etc....It carries a feel of being transitionary so you don't know where it's going exactly(I wonder if the writers do). Personally I'm hoping for the main character to climb to the top as a real badass. It's out of character but he's such a 'serious' person that if he puts his mind to it, Totally possible.
I've seen disc 1 of season 1 when my GF had it from Netflix. I would be interested in watching more at some point. Good to know others enjoy it.
I think I'm the only person who doesn't really like the show. But the only reason is that I don't like the main guy. Though I haven't seen it since the first couple episodes so I'll probably go back sometime this summer and see a few from the second season.
This last episode was the slowest one to date, and the last one was focused almost entirely on a fly. It's hard to say if the main writers were on vacation or this is the calm before the storm. which they did on the sopranos quite a bit. They must be leading up to something, Mainly Sylars entry of getting involved. A Husband and wife led criminal organization....could be.
I honestly dont know any show that ive seen that beats the sopranos, i might have to start watching this if its being named with it.
Did you not watch The Wire? It's funny as Dash basically rattled off my favorite shows on TV. Sadly though, my two tops, were both turds after their first seasons, Deadwood & Rome. Does anyone know if this is on Netflix onDemand, as I still have 5 more months in my hotel room and could use a way to kill some time?
Netflix doesn't have Breaking Bad on instant but it has prison break, lie to me, and Weeds if you haven't seen any of those they are nice time killers. Lie to me is good because theres no overarching plot(as of yet in s1) so you can waste an hour and not feel like you have to waste more. I'm watching The Wire right now, thanks to dashs recommendation, and its pretty good. Deadwood did get pretty lame after the first season but still watched it. I'll have to check out Rome. If you like rome check out Spartacus: Blood and Sand on netflix. It's not great at first but it really grows on you. Season 2 is delayed atm because the main actor has cancer =/ but they are planning a prequel version.
SOA is good, I'm worried they're going to stretch the story to thin. Saw the shield while it was on (hated the finale btw) Lie to me is series record on the dvr. Prison break didn't fade out after season 1? I'll load up Spartacus tonight thanks!
I'm right there with you Vandiego. I've read about the "plot" for Season 3 SOA, and I dont know if I like the direction it may be taking. I'm going to have to take a look for this show around the haji shops.. been looking for a good show to get lost in. Thanks for the review.
Prison break stays good for a few seasons. Just be prepared to watch 4 episodes in a row. Never seen the shield. The main guy just never grew on me.
Just saw the new episode of Breaking Bad, and the turn it seems to be taking is in a direction that I was hoping it would go. This is the best season for it as well in my opinion. I think I just saw a turd flying toward a spinning fan. You can watch all 3 seasons here. As well as all those other shows if you like. Deadwood was 1 of my favorite all time shows as well. it didn't fizzle as much for me after the 1st season...It did flake off in the beginning of season 2 though. It was about to get crazy ....and then there was no more show. I loved the use of language which will never be duplicated in that way again The Shield was pretty good but didn't hold me like these other show I mentioned. I've Never seen Rome(though I heard it was good) or Prison Break. SOA has the most potential to be the next Sopranos in the large criminal organization aspect. I doubt it will last but maybe a few more seasons though unless they get real gritty with it. Great Cast!!! Actually all these shows have a great cast! Well, maybe not for sokar...He's picky about main characters.
Yes, It's a great website! There are a few more which are pretty awesome as well on the same lines. TV Shows posted on the same day that they air, no commercials...Tough to beat that. I decided a couple months back to get rid of cable television based on this website and a couple others. The only reason i had it on so long was for my daughters shows, it's a bit more difficult. But I just decided she needs to watch less TV anyway, and there's always NickJr Online or her DvDs.
THAT sir is a good call! I never even watch TV, i usually just download the shows, legally of course ;P not.