I was just in surgery 4 hours ago,still groggy from general anesthesia... had all my tooths out today...all of them...going with dentures. I gots goods pain pills...face is still full of local anesthic stuffs...lips all swollen...jaw swollen. ..I decided to have all the teeth out now and get that all over with while im in good shape physically...dont want to be in my 60's in surgery for my teeth. Doing this in New Zealand was way way cheaper than the USA... Going thru immigration process for my NZ residence I also have gotten a full medical checkup...much cheaper here.
What made you choose to have this done? Bad teeth? Half of them missing already? Age? No more trips to the dentists? I hate the dentist.
Wow, that is pretty extreme but hey if you have no more teeth never have to go to the dentist again XD
my age..was the reason...im 55..had a few missing ones. I looked at some research and most older people were happier with dentures than thier own teeth. Seen a few people..got a few opinions. SO I elected to have this done while im relatively young..strong heart...good immune system. Get it all over and done with.. <<toothless grin
Yeah I know right? It's not like I kept saying, please control the spam before it gets out of control. It's not like we had the exact same situation before the great forum crash. It's not like everyone decided spam threads were a bad idea and banned them outright. Wait a minute....
think we got derailed here...back on track... 3rd day after surgery not as bad as people said it would be. No bleeding..swelling is at a minimum using anti inflamation meds. I have strong pain pills but have not needed any of those yet. Just using the light pain pills they suggested I keep in my system even if I feel no pain.
Why concern? you did it to reduce the pain and suffering that comes with teeth further down the road. Now we don't have to worry so much about your teeth and their well being.
I went to the doctor one time and he removed my soul; said I didn't need it anymore. I miss my soul. One Love, Cal
sorry to have insulted your presence with my trivial troubles...Im sure your here on the forums in matters of great importance so dont concern yourself.
Agree, and lol@sokar's TerrorNova post. OT, I had one of my drivers (at my old account) got all his teeth out and got dentures. He was an ex-paratrooper and was nearing 55, but he also dipped and rarely brushed his teeth (Trust me, the smell of some truck drivers are gross, and its amazing that most of them get free showers if they fill up at a truck stop), but he looked much better with his dentures and he seemed happier. Hope the same happens with you.
Thanks sogetsu..that makes me feel a bit better hearing that....oh..and dipping..my uncle did that...ewww. I quit my nasty habit...stopped smoking the day I left the usa..Ive not smoked in the last 2 months.