ok ok, i cheated to win the last thread. An utter abuse of my admin powers. SHame on me! But here's the new game. Whoever is post #500 wins. Here's the rules. 1.) You can make up to 3 posts in this thread in a 24 hour period. This is in any 24 hour period, not by "days". 2.) If you exceed that then you get disqualified. 3.) This will be monitored by the people participating. So it will be up to you guys to let us know who should be disqualified and provide the proof. 4.) You must post before post #400 to be eligible to win. 5.) After your first post in this thread, you must post again within 48 hours of your last post to be eligible to win. 4.) The rules may be changed by me as we go based on flaws in the game. 5.) Admins cannot win the game by cheating such as I did . The winner will get a title and an award on the forums, as well as an icon on ts3. There will also be a front page announcement and a chia pet built into your likeness...... Let the games begin!! Current Disqualifications doctorie dash Frostyx TheCox
yes, posts of random chit. If You can improve the game, Let me know some ideas. @TheCox: You can post as many times as you like but if you post ANY 4 posts within a 24 hour period, then you are disqualified. i know it's confusing,but the point is to pay attention to the times you post and when others post in the intention to kick the other guy out, and maybe there will be some strategy when it comes down to the last 50 or so, maybe not....we'll see. is asking alot of questions your plan to get me ousted out of the competition??
Hey hold on now.. I resent that.. and YES! That was my plan... So Dash, what color are your eyes? Also, is it the last of the 3 per 24 hours, or is it 24 hours from the FIRST post?
My eyes are hazel. Though if you would have asked me before my daughter was born, I would have probably said red. You can start counting the 24 hours from ANY post. and from any post there shouldn't be 4 posts within that 24 hours. It's already looking that there aren't enough people in this contest to do it in a timely manner to 500. However 200 seems too soon....What do you think? Also, I'm starting to think that we should make a rule that to be qualified to play you must post before a certain number and to be required to post after your first post in the thread within so many hours or be disqualified. What do you think? Remember this game will be evolving and the winner will lose their title after the next person wins.