Just started playing this interesting game, ingame money can be exchanged for $$'s, and vice versa...meaning that if u get lucky ingame with uber loot u can withdraw your ingame cash to your bankaccount! having said that, it is possible to get the necessary skills lvld to a point that u can profit from the game after some months of skill training, breaking even during that period maybe loose a lil money, if you deposit. if you dont deposit anything, it will take a long ass time to get to the same point. Everything u used can be sold to ppl again, so anything u buy is like an investment, and retains value, maybe increases in value. Im still a nab in the game, but found some interesting guides which ill be following to the letter for the next couple of months, so i can let my grinding experience get the upper hand and maybe even get paid to upgrade my PC.. since i wasnt playing anything, and waiting for TERA i can be found there. if any one plays this also or is willing to play with me, let me know. http://www.planetcalypso.com/home/
I got in one of the bigger better guilds friday, hopefully will enhance my experience and get me some nice advice, but any advice is always good. since real money making is involved in a legal way, lol, this might be an interesting project to upgrade my rig before TERA comes out.
unfortunatly u dont start making money right away, or you will have to do the most boring grind ever...sweating, which is collecting mob sweat with some device, and sells for 5PED/1k 5 PED = 5$cents will take u in the beginning roughly 3-4 hours... i make roughly 10-20 bucks a day grinding low lvl mobs, trying to get my skills up...it is possible to make a lot, but first 6 months is hard to make a lot, unless ur some awesome reseller which i intend to do when i get my hunting skills up, so i can kill mobs and do some reselling when im not feeling like killing... there is some good guides on how to make money and how to get a good base on your skills without going broke. http://www.entropiaforum.com/forums...ials/35966-how-make-money-entropia-guide.html http://www.entropiaforum.com/forums/entropia-universe-tutorials/171111-beginners-guide.html http://rp.apachenet.de/downloads/planet_calypso_guide.pdf this is probably the most helpfull thread i found: http://www.entropiaforum.com/forums/n00bs-corner/155033-start-smart-making-most-your-ped-9.html user BlackHAwk has some very nice posts...and on page 9 he has a very basic tutorial on how to build a good base with spending 15$ a month on the game, and lvling your skills to a point where u can be selfsufficient, no more depositting, within the first year. how ever most posts are pretty old, still work though, some things changed, but i didnt really find anything wrong so far with the 'guides'.
I have read some stories about a couple people making $100k+ a year, but AFAIK, playing Entropia WAS their job.
well same for Second Life... some ppl made 200k+ year this game seems alot like 2nd life but also dif at them same time lol its also useing or going to be using the CryENGINE2
there is some fella that bought an asteroid for 250k $$ or something, has one of the largest Buildings filled with shopkeepers, and is worth several million, estimated. He bought an egg for 69k$$ and nobody knows what will happen with that egg, will it hatch, or will nothing happen. There are players that make a living only playing Entropia, there are players that play and withdraw cash once in a while to buy a new car...yes its doable without putting money in the game first, but will be a lot harder. im playing now for maybe 2 weeks, and to get started well enough i deposited about 50-60 Euro. and sofar im still a lil in front, im already making cash, just not a lot
got an email for my account news...That asteroid is up fopr sale again...and he had paid 100,000 usd....be interested to see what it sells for now