1. Age (18+ Requirement): 22 2. In-Game Name: Xavokal 3. Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes 4. Previous gaming experience: WoW,Dark age of camelot,COX,lineage 2,matrix online,everquest,Aion,Guild Wars, left 4 dead. 5. Why did you choose XoO?: I chose XoO because I am looking to be a part of an active guild to progress in AoC 6. Why do you think you'll be a good fit?: I think I will be a good fit because I am a team player and can participate in the guild's activities 7. What will you contribute to the guild: I will contribute by being active and participating in raids and PvP activities. 8. How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?: I will improve the guild and be a valued member by being active in-game and in ventrilo 9. Do you have a referal?:Viciousdsxx 10. A little bit about yourself: I like to play a lot in my spare time, I am a returning player, and I havent played in a while 11. Activity Level? (hrs/week): on mostly everyday unless something comes up. 12. Apply to usergroup: New Members
on all the time, in game, on TS.....not sure if you are in the user group as i don't think I can check it with my permissions will have to get clarification on this.
You deleted your character to make a new one.....if you can jump in teamspeak to see whos on when you are then we can invite you, there is a reason using teamspeak is required. Reiner should be on tomorrow he just had to wipe his cimputer.
haha, I was just about to say that to you guys.. He pretty much copied another persons app, which is no bueno imo. If you can't put forth the effort to write up your own app then why even apply? Just my 2c.
Has teamspeak info, never on, didn't contact me after creating a new character, copy and pasted app............didn't even PM me on whats going on Denied