I was checking out different game trailers today and decided to see some of the Age of Conan expansion pack trailers. It looks pretty interesting to me especially the video with the mounts but then agian Age of Conan let us all down before Trailers Main Page: http://www.gametrailers.com/game/age-of-conan-rise-of-the/11931 Launch Trailer HD: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/exclusive-launch-aoc-rise-of/65184 New Factions, Gear, and Armor HD: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gc-09-aoc-rise-of/55476 New Mounts & Pets System HD: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gc-09-aoc-rise-of/55482 Celestial Necropolis Dungeon Trailer HD: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gdc-10-aoc-rise-of/63185
Wow that last video was amazing. This is a good example of how puzzles have revolutionized the dungeon experience.
Sounds good, I dont think I would start playing right away unless it wins the vote for which game we will join to support Xoo in because there are so many good games coming out soon and im pretty addicted to SC2 atm. I recently picked up Final Fantasy, Bayonetta, and Red Dead Redemption is coming out in the end of this month which im eagerly awaiting. I would however like to start playing it if other Xoo members did just because it would suck to play alone and im eager to explore the new stuff in the expansion pack. Count me in too if you guys decide to revive the AOC branch of XoO
I reactivated and downloaded a years worth of patches. Going to play the demo of the new race tomorrow. But I'm sure I'll get tired of it within the week.
Same here, got to 80 in a month and a bear shaman to 50 before my first "free month" was up. The instability between PvP fights, graphic glitches/bugs, and terrible performance in some areas (I had a decent/above average computer at the time) really turned it off for me. Both my characters are on Scourge though : \
So far my new Ranger character is pretty fun, I got it to lvl 35 in about a week. The new asian characters start out outside of the great wall in part of Mongolia then they goto Stigia to do some quest there from lvl 30-40. I am not sure where they goto next since I started a new character but right now my lvl 35 Ranger is in Stigia. I will try to explore more of the asian content once my character is at least lvl 40. Right now though it seems kind of lonely in the guild not many XoO members play AOC, we have like 5 people in the guild but I barely see most of them online in the evenings when im on. We could really use a recruiting spree, if we could get a guild of at least 25 people we can get our own guild city. I will try to start recruiting on different forums once my character is at least lvl 50.
It's hard to recruit.....also im one when you are pretty much not due to my work schedule. IF we could find more people then I would play a lot more but it looks like everyone in the game already has established with some other group.....AND the fricken global chat with scripts is pissing me off and I cannot do decent recruiting unless i use a damn guild bot.....due to message size limitation.
ill make a post on fansites and the official forum later today when I get home I tried to advertise ingame but it looks like that didnt work. Most of the people who wanted to apply wanted to be instant invited instead of filling out an application but that wouldnt work if they wont even drop by the forums then they most likely wont use ts either so their no good to us.
I would say we should bring them in then have the full out an application, leave application part their responsibility to be come a full member. We should be concerned about building our ranks then we'll put down the hammer. Can we get back the AoC forum with all previous threads erased?
Sounds like a good idea, maybe the people who dont fill out an application can be rank 1 in the guild and when they fill out an application and get promoted to full member they get promoted to rank 2. If their a frequent TS user and help the guild they get promoted to rank 3, etc. Rewards for participation and helping out the guild
Sounds like a good plan, but we need to make sure there are rewards to be give. What is our member count right now. I'll be playing actively but my schedule isn't the same as everyones. I'll be on at 2:00AM daily and in the mornings from 11:00AM to 2:00PM. We should require all members to get Xfire and they must have this running on their PCs at all. Times. We need to get our forums back,.