This is just stupid. This happened in NYC, a homeless man helped a woman that was being violently mugged and was stabbed, attempted to chase the man, and fell over and bled out. Apparently because no one helped him it's due to video games. Although as the reporter pointed out, everyone that walked past him was rather long in the tooth. No one seems to mention the fact that this is one of the largest cities in the world and people just don't give a shit about anyone they don't know. This isn't small town USA you can't expect people to act the same way.
No its prob. due to bystander intervention. As you say, the reason its a large city is the problem in itself. So what if you don't help, there are millions around you who can... so its kinda that same concept applied to the nearly 10 people who walked by.
=\ There is definitely two sides to the story, but I don't really know enough from the psychological end to really speak on it. I know that if I had seen a man bleeding, or even just awkwardly laying near the edge of the sidewalk like that, I would have investigated a bit and seen what was up and if he was ok.
^^ LOL This is a bad video for this shrink to try to pull the media-violence card. I do see the shrink's point, but video games are more of a generation thing and they don't have the ability to dissolve compassion.
The bystander effect relies on a large group of people around a victim and nobody doing anything. This is just people walking along by themselves so I don't see that even coming into play. Aside from that, the dude was homeless......if he looked like any other homeless person I have seen it's not surprising nobody stopped. Most people don't give a shit about homeless and just walk by and ignore them. That dude that actually turned him up though is fucking retard.
The ones trying to figure out why this happens don't understand that the average person thinks that they have it worse off than the next person. I'll tell you right now that IF that was the girl lying there on the ground bleeding out instead of that poor man she would have been picked up by the first bystander that walked by culture or not video games or not. Maybe then a life would have saved from this instead of a poor man dying? Really something to think about a very good example of how people no matter how actually "good" they think they are have a part of them that's an animal.
I'm betting people just assumed he was passed out. Obviously the camera doesn't have the best picture, but it doesn't look like you can see anything to clearly identify him as injured. It's a homeless guy on the ground. In a city, that's not exactly the rarest thing to find. That said... the guy who actually turned him over and had a look doesn't really have an excuse.
wonder if that jackoff knows that violence has been going down as a general trend? If what he was saying is true then you would see an upward spiral of crime. Clear cut case of the bystander effect. Same thing happened in New York so many years ago when a lady was raped and then stabbed as people watched from their windows then after an hour later the guy came back and killed her. I am no hero, but, I hate cowards.
Dude no one gives out free heals anymore, he probably was pming all those people for free heals. Everyone is tired of these nubs trying to take on PKers higher level then them. Just let them go through the res sickness they'll be fine. I'm probably going to hell.
A general trend must not include Chicago, when I checked last week we were up to 120 homicides already this year.
New York sucks Actually I'm surprised that lady didn't call 911. Around here, people call 911 about EVERYTHING.
we got more then that for the past week people were dying left and right on news a tagger jumped into 28th ashland lake and froze to death a guy was drunk crashed into the 62 archer bus stop a old black dude got shot by some robber for his kfc a whole family got shot up in their mini van and king gino got shot in the head theres alot more