Arimil's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Arimil, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. Arimil
    Veteran Admin

    Apr 26, 2010
    Likes Received:
    1. Age (18+ Requirement): 19
    2. In-Game Name: Arimil
    3. Do you have vent and a mic?: Currently don't have vent installed but I have a mic and am willing to download it.
    4. Previous gaming experience: List here: I am also an active player on PSN (until my PS3 died last week) I have a XBL account but haven't used it much I will probably be using it more once Halo Reach comes out since the game looks promising.
    5. Why did you choose XoO?: Out of all the guilds/clans/cults/groups whatever that are going to be playing Tera this one I seem to fit in best. I did indeed apply for the others though.
    6. Why do you think you'll be a good fit?: Hm, I dunno really out of all the other guilds this one just seemed the most diverse and I liked the fact that you guys had news on the main page and hold meetings unlike the others.
    7. What will you contribute to the guild: Not really sure if theres something I could help with I will if its within my power.
    8. How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?: This question seems almost the same as the last one. And really I will contribute in any way I can.
    9. Do you have a referal?: No.
    10. A little bit about yourself:
    My name is Arie Miller my screen name (or handle) is usually Ariler or Arimil. They both come from my real name as you can see. I originally liked Arimil better but one of my friends said it sounded like a girls name thus where Ariler came in. I still use Arimil when I play some games as a female avatar. When all else fails I revert to Existance0 or NotExistant (I know about the typo).

    I'm 19 (August 27th, 1990) and live in the US, Pennsylvania to be more specific. I'm an aspiring game developer although I haven't made much yet. I also love anime a lot of my free time is spent watching it although I haven't watched much lately.

    11. Activity Level? (hrs/week): Playing games usually to many to count but due to my PS3 dieing last week and my computer having hardware issues about a month ago I am unable to play much ATM. I'm currently looking for a job close to me so I can begin building my new computer which could take a month or two.
    12. Apply to usergroup:
  2. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Indiana, U.S.
    1) What do you think of TS3? We have been dabbling in it a bit and may switch to it in the future due to the better sound quality and features it provides. Would you have any arguments switching?

    2) Questions 7 is directed at whether you have any skills the that would be of use to the guild such as graphics designing, movie making, scripting, or just going out and helping the guild by recruiting, whatever. Question 8 is directed at more or less in-game activities such as helping guildies level, etc. So with the clarification, what would you do to contribute?

    We are not super strict on many things, however, do have expectations of all our members which include:
    - helping guildies out, especially in PvP.
    - attending guild events. if there is a guild event it is expected for everyone to prepare and make time for the event rather than wonder off solo or in a smaller group.
    - teamwork and tactics. you must be able to follow instructions and this especially means in raiding or in PvP campaigns.

    Lastly, I saw the thread you posted, it was an interesting read, I dont mind that you applied tomultiple guilds, however, you will only be able to join us and only us if you are accepted. If you are alright with that then we can move on with the application process.

    Answer the first 2 questions and give me a sign that you are alright with the last few comments I had listed.
  3. Arimil
    Veteran Admin

    Apr 26, 2010
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    1) I would have no problem switching. I never really did like vent I usually used xfire chat due to that because it implements into the game better I know TS3 doesn't do this but I've checked it out and it seems more appealing to me than vent.

    2) I know some programming I spend a lot of my free time programming things. Heres an example of something I started quite a long time ago but never did finish.
    It's a card generator that was going to be used to make a card game. But I grew bored of the idea and it had a high chance for a C&D letter to begin with.

    That really only shows HTML/PHP though I also know a fair amount of VB6 and C#.
  4. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Indiana, U.S.
    I will assume since you responded you agree to all of the things I stated in my post. Good follow-up.

    ACCEPTED. Probation ends after 30 days. Post around and get to know everyone. The game will be a while till release so stay active on the forums. Whenever they release the next testing phase you are welcome to join us in vent and in game.

    Vent info is stickied in the Members Area.
  5. Kythas

    Jul 28, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Game Design
    Berkeley, CA
    Welcome! This is Eternal2k from the Tera Forums btw.
  6. Arimil
    Veteran Admin

    Apr 26, 2010
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    xD I don't even look at peoples names most of the time on the Tera forums. Thus, If I was ever talking to you I didn't really know it was you. I'm kinda of person that looks at someones name then their avatar and remembers them by their avatar. But, since everyone has the same avatar on Tera I kinda said screw it and just talk to whoever lol.

    Also as it said in that thread I have no plans on joining more than one. ;) I seemed to have missed that the first time I read your post.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2010