If anyone gets in to the betas be sure to take lots of vids and post them around so we can all view the game in all its glory, please and thank you
Update: Final Fantasy XIV doesn't have Dark Elves, it has Duskwight Elezen http://kotaku.com/5510647/final-fantasy-xiv-doesnt-have-dark-elves-it-has-duskwight-elezen I kinda agree with some of the comments, they need to stop beating around the bush and either call them ELVES or something completely different. Even in FF11, /shrug. As long as the games good, I don't really mind I suppose.
Doesn't surprise, and I'll just say D elezen or just say elvaan lol or hume, or taru taru. ohhh object with four corners En'ix. how I love you....kind of.
Alright so I was looking through 4 chan haven't been there in a while and I figured hey might be some FFXIV goodies. Boy was I right! Some pretty tasty pictures and I have a few arcticles, sorry if it's been posted, doubt it though =P =Interview= http://ffxiv.zam.com/story.html?story=22055 =Alpha Test Hands on!=http://ffxiv.zam.com/story.html?story=22042 And I didn't save any of the pictures I saw but here is a forum I found and saw a lot of alpha test pictures, thanks to the guys who can't keep their pictures to themselves. I'd be upset but Japanese does the JP only thing a lot so wtfrite? Anyways here you go PICTURES Page 109-113 http://www.bluegartr.com/forum/showthread.php?t=89379&page=109
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Dela - 4chan? Don't bring that crap here! I'm not even tempted to click that link...
It's all stuff posted on 4-chan not the actual site don't worry. =] If you'd like I'll upload the photos to my photobucket for you? Or copy paste the article whatever you prefer.
I dare not even say their name...it may come up on a google search. That website has some twisted stuff though, scarring stuff. If there is a "plus" side, they say that is where things like lolcats and pedobear came from. It is also where I discovered screamers =[ /scarred On topic, registered and hope to get in! Never really liked FFXI much but I like FF in general so I figured why not
Yeah I'm not a big fan of 4 chan myself to be quite honest, although I look on there for info and what not. Oh well, did ya at least look at the stuff sogi? So 4chan admins can see links they posted, posted on other websites? Such as our forum? Sorry confused a bit on what you mean.
With website monitoring software I can for example, put my websites link in my signature on this forum. Then when I check my site stats I can see that back link. So most likely they can see the back link from this thread to their site. Hope that makes sense. On topic. I can't wait for this farking game to release!
Ah it does thanks for clarifying. Yes indead I can't wait I'm either going to be a pugilist or a gladiator, haha I've learned that TANKS ARE NEEDED IN EVERY MMO hahaha. Plus the mechanics for glads and pugilist sound really awesome.
Found out some of the emotes figured some of you might be interested; surprised, angry, furious, blush, bow, beckon, cheer, clap, comfort, cry, dance, doubt, fume, goodbye, farewell, meh, joy, stagger, stretch, sulk, think, upset, welcome, yes, thumbs up, soothe, rally, shrug, doze, chuckle, laugh, kneel, lookout, me, no, deny, poke, congratulate, psych, point, panic. I think there are more....o...............o