leaving april 7th to see my online love I met in second life. We been together 9 months online now..we spend many hours together in second life. Staying two months with her in New Zealand...she is taking one month from work so we can tour the south island. Then a month of us together at home...if things go well..we will get married while I am there. Ill return to the states to ship my stuff to NZ....say some goodbyes to family and friends. wish me luck...
I have heard stories of people getting together through gaming. That's pretty cool. Maybe there is hope for me yet! Just make sure that she isn't a he. =P
Congrats, Wish you all the best man, not easy to find some one who you would give up the world for! I actually know 3 couples that met thru online gaming. Even though we know that alot of people lead a totally different life online and many consider people you meet from gaming to be not 'truthful'. There are many other cases especially if they both met thru a guild enviroment that most information that is pass on to each other is truthful and honest. Just depends if your lucky to meet that person. Its a two way street as well.
Big change Was slightly over a year ago I made nearly the same trip in the reverse direction - New Zealand to Canada. Moved again more recently to the Seattle area. Hope you like it there... as for the internet, it's reasonably good in the right circumstances - the US gets quite a bit faster sometimes, but for the bulk of the country where something like fibre isn't available, it's not really much different. Bit more latency to deal with though.
Thanks again.... She has optic fiber but she does have to deal with latency when connecting to servers overseas. We have started a blog to keep our friends and family updated on our trip around the south island...We will cover most of the south Island that first month. Ill be sure to post lots of pictures and update it frequently. Also be staying in touch here at Xoo. http://gonkavnz.blogspot.com/ The second month she will be back at work (executive officer of New Zealand council of social services) Ill mess around Wellington during the day..we will take weekend trips to see some sights closer to Wellington. If I stay in New Zealand I wont be able to work till Im a citizen and I understand finding work is not easy. Till I find a job, I plan on doing mostly volunteer work..in her line of work she knows lots of people I can work with. Helping elderly fix up homes is what Id like to do. I don't think Ill find much work for what I had trained for...unless they start working on a space shuttle.
Pretty much everything said in this thread I support. Good luck! Great story. Hope it ends/begins well! And many pictures please!
You don't need to be a citizen to get a job. There definitely is a bias toward citizens first for employment, and the unemployment rate is at a 10-year high; however, some fields actually have staff shortages because there aren't enough trained people here. Engineering is one of those fields.
Wow, even though I joined recently and am like totally not known here - including you to the list of persons who doesn't know me yet - I just felt the overwhelming need to post here: I've to tell you that's seriously such an interesting story, dude. Kinda fascinating me. You know, most doubt love through the internet is possible but you never know eh? I wish you all the best, good luck and enjoyable, lovely, fantastic, great days at NZ with your girl!
thanks again... Spinn, the other half of this story is I lost my wife of 18 years to someone in second life...separated since jan 5 /09...divorced in dec. a few months passed after my wife split.. Then I fell deeper in love with a girl...she knows who I mean..(hugs)..but it couldn't work...even tho we are both attracted to each other. I'm almost 30 years older than her and she is real life engaged to someone else she met in second life. We talked of meeting..but it would have just been a fling. A great one no doubt...but that may have ruined the very close relationship we have. Id rather keep her as a close friend forever than someone who was just a lover for a short while . Ill probably regret not seeing her before I marry. (hugs) *I hate your fiance...sorry, but I really do. He is keeping us apart as friends. the jagoff* and there was the girl from london..we dated online for a few months in second life..skype..msn etc. She was only 20 years younger..we talked about me moving to London..getting married. But.... She is a party person..pills..pot..coke..drinking...does the club scene in London..all her RL friends are DJ and club owners. As much as I loved her, I just cant see myself in that scene..I'm an addict and Ive been clean way too long to fuck up now...at 55 I'm too old to go out to house music clubs in London and party all night. Her dad and brother(brother is in witness protection program) are in the Greek mafia...that's another reason to not go..her ex husband (a rock star in London) comes by to see her and his kids..I don't want to run into him either in RL...I have spoke with him a few times. He hates that she plays second life and He didn't like that she was in love with me. Her dad and him are real close....I think that's just a bad scene for me. I broke it off with her. lots of drama in second life...but THIS was the most drama... I dated my ex wife in second life..and she didn't know it was me. It just took me 4 weeks before she was in love with me and sending me naked pictures..Ill post them later..NOT!!..LOL... Things had not worked out for her with the one she left me for. After I had my fun with my ex wife...I told her who I was....I'd give $10,000 to have a picture of her face when I told her. She logged....and has not spoke with me again. hehehe....oh man...I know...that was bad of me.. the devil made me do it. I was ready to move on with my life... Then I ran into Kavisha...the one Im going to see....she knew me in game when I was married and knew my wife in game..we were friends a few years...she is my age..has my sensibilities..is a professional person...but fun loving and adventurous still. Does not do drugs..drinks just a glass of wine and gets a buzz....we like the same things...we have much in common. I have found the one. There were a few other flings before Kavisha but..no love...just fun. but that's another thread that is too sexy for such virgin ears here..*nods towards *TheCox.
Your right Ben..Kav went to immigration today to look into me just staying once I'm there. She says I can get a work permit and if we marry I will apply for residency. Also don't get the wrong Idea..I was trained at nasa for RnD of the shuttle..but I'm no way an engineer by any stretch. They designed the tests..I just carried out the tests on the external tank and solid rocket boosters. I did the heat shields and foam. I never touched the shuttle itself..seen it..got close to it..met the astronauts..that was cool.
Whoa. Sounds like the craziness someone I know saw in the UK and Greece. Won't go into any detail because someone's probably looking for him. hahaha
naked pics......where do i sign up!?!?!?! and tbh sounds like amy winehouse. gg for breaking it off! and yeah, gl with the move, and hope everything works out!
Wow. I just stare at the screen and seriously say myself "Holy shit, how does this guy makes so many women fall in love with him through a game like second life?!". No, seriously. I've had never expected THAT. And my eyes are kinda widened. Pretty intense and dramatic story if ya ask me. Respect mate! I bet ur life 'aint boring yet, eh?