then get uberoptions it makes it so every key is bindable with tons more options and you can set it for support specific programs like the keys will rebind if i get on firefox and will rebind again if i get on warhammer. just makes life easier for those of us that arnt big on clicking abilities in pvp
If you don't install that Logitech setpoint software, all your buttons do work as they should. P.S. if that has nothing to do with it, it's because I had a hard time trying to comprehend the OP.
the new logitech software [likewhat came with my G9] allows me to do all that anyway :S my buttons change function when i change programs [if i have them set to], i have all the normal options, as well as key-press combos and macros
Yeah setpoint does it. But for even higher levels of control, just modify or make a .ini or an autoexec, if the game supports it. For browsing I use opera with mouse gestures so I never really click anything. Firefox has it too but you need a plugin and it isn't as solid as Opera which has it built-in. Setpoint and other things that need to detect which window has focus will sometimes fail to detect things correctly. My G15 is sometimes set to browsing when I'm in an FPS so I need to re-ALT TAB.
G9 + mouse gestures = happy sid seriously though, I've had issues with earlier versions of the logitech software, but not that came with the mice; only had troubles when I tried to update to the most recent version. The problems were with a v200 wireless mouse (the mouse was pretty ghetto to begin with, and I debated just deleting logitech all together, but I liked the tilt wheel buttons). I just rolled back to an earlier version (thanks go out to the people who answer on the support forums, they have a huge archive of older versions) and it fixed it right up. But I've never had a problem with my precious G9.