1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Gorzz, Warlock, Demo but I can play any spec needed. 2. Armory Link: (explain talent choices here in needed): http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sargeras&cn=Gorzz 3. List raid helpful professions: Enchanting (460), Tailoring (450) 4. Time playing WoW and PvE progression: Not much time played. Only have been playing since ToC was on farm. 5. PvP influences and impact on raiding: I go Affliction for PvP, but I don't think it helps. 6. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions): 20 7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding(family, classes, dorm, night shifts etc): Student 8. Guild you are leaving and why: (If you join another guild without following up here, application will be closed): I'm guildless as of now, My past guild failed, unfortunately. Might be in a friends guild by the time you look at this. 9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild: Some guy was spamming trade chat looking for members. I also use to be in Xen but left because I thought I was leaving the game. 10. List consumables you bring to raid: Flasks, Potions, and food just in case no one has a fish feast to spare. I normally have enough flask for friends too if they run out or what not. 11. Additional Scheduling conflicts (consider possible weekend groups for 10mans): None that I can think of ATM. 12. Provide measure of your damage/healing such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s), WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing: Meh. I dont have any shots ATM Let me do a raid and I will post back when I have something. 13. Provide a UI screenshot from raid combat: I changed my UI from the last time I was in Xen ill post when I post meters. 14. Final comments you feel could help your application: I bring Buffs with my dps
First off we said 1 random since kens a hunter ppl thought DC not my fault a hunter cant reserve ROTD lol.. And I got my puppy can I get loot now lol
first Gorzz i told u too change your fuckin name second i heard the story about the ninja thing its more funny than anything Gorzz dps is alright lol BUt seriously Gorzz has a bad rep for that one thing he was loyal to Atonement a guild my alt Badmama was in until it broke up and his dps was pretty good in ICC maybe we should give him a small shot
Armory shows you are in Ne Plus Ultra. Can you tell me why? Is this your "friends" guild? Also, how can we be sure of your commitment. Given your past stint with XoO, faith in your long term raiding career with us is none existent.
Well kinky left invalid and joined this guild she gave me an inv and asked me to raid with her until I find a new guild. The first time I was in Xen I was a tad inexperienced and was having out of game issues and I thought I was going to quit the game so I left Xen for a guild where I had a more causal spot and gave my toon to my brother for a while. But everything is cleared up now and I would like another shot if you guys are ok with that. I hear you guys are having trouble with people showing up I have no problem showing up to second or third raid days I also have no problem with putting in attempts on new bosses.
1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Gorzz, Warlock, Demo 2. Armory Link (and talent choices explained): http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sargeras&cn=Gorzz 3. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions): 20 4. List your current professions and describe how they help when raiding: Tailoring - back Enchant Enchanting - Ring Enchant 5. Time playing WoW and PvE progression: Have been playing since ToC was on Farm 6. Describe your method for theorycrafting your class: I like to read a lot to see what other locks are doing. Seeing what they are saying. I like to look at meters other locks post and link online then compare them to numbers I normally do. If there is a noticeable difference in dps as well as gems or enchants I try to find out why they work for that person and try to see if they would work for me. Or if what I am doing will work for them. If we all take a little time to help each other then we all can get better. 7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding (family, classes, dorm, night shifts etc): Student and I’m good to make the raid. Even the ones after Tuesday. 8. Guild you are leaving and why (If you join another guild without following up here, application will be closed): Unfair advantage broke up. And the guild I am in now is just an in between. 9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild: Was in Xen before saw your spam in trade, and people are saying you guys need good players that will show up. 10. List consumables you bring to raid: Flask, potions, food, Soul Shards 11. Any Scheduling conflicts (consider possible weekend groups for 10mans): Nope all good 12. Provide measure of your damage/healing such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s), WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing: I said before that I am lacking meters I will see if I can still get a hold of UA's meters if not I will post my dps from ICC when I do it this week. 13. Provide a UI screenshot: Still gotta take my pic. 14. Final comments you feel could help your application: lol I have my fel puppy now... Yay Gorzz
Chain of events: 1. Run did not mention a reserve prior to the run. Seeing as how I was going for trinkets myself, I pay attention heavily to that... I wouldn't have gone had I seen a hunter doing a Reserve as a matter of fact. 2. Raid got to Anub, another caster dps was removed from raid for low dps/dying every fight/qq'ing over a 1 trophy policy. Individual ninja-pulled and other tank and I grabbed boss and group downed him. 3. After seeing Reign drop, I whispered the person kicked with a link to the item as as a means of showing them what they wouldn't get and how their stunt didn't even slow us down. 4. Kenpatchi rolled all other items, purposefully skipping Reign till the end (No mention of a reserve). 5. After 5 or 6 people in both raid chat and vent started asking WTF about the trinket, Kenpatchi asked for rolls on the trinket. A mage rolled highest (funny that this would be rolled on if it were a reserve don't you think?) 6. Kenpatchi loots Reign to you, then disconnects, you go offline, about 5-10 minutes of wtf and hate later, Kenpatchi logs on to vent and says you guys lost internet and that you would trade the trinket once you came back online, I personally say "well, it doesn't look good when you 'magically' go offline after ninja-looting a trinket" and that we were all interested in seeing this trade actually happen. 7. I was kicked from vent moments later. I sent an in-game mail to Invalid officer buddies since you were in that guild at the time and the mage who "won" the roll stated in trade they were also kicked from vent following you coming back on. 8. Days later, you are in Attonement and they say you had "explained" to them in your app that it was a random reserve. Now, while I don't expect that you will suddenly "come clean" instead of insisting I am mistaken or something, I honestly have to say there are other issues we have: lack of ui ScreenShot lack of current dps report ninja looting aside, you also "ninja quit" our guild in the past. while the reason you gave makes sense, you just /gquit without telling us... then you pop up soon thereafter with this whole toc incident.
Also in regards to your felhunter, Dora has since found it a nice home with a loving priest who loves it and heals it and feeds it all the buffs it can bear to swallow... so you may have issues summoning it again.