Edit to remove my DK, since you won't be needing him for sure. 1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Fluffytoy, Druid, Restoration 2. Armory Link (and talent choices explained): Fluffytoy: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sargeras&cn=Fluffytoy I spec'd for Nature's Grace and living seed. These are usually more-so tank healing talents, but on a really high damage fight it helps to lower the cast time on Regrowth and the added heals always help. I don't need the 10% mana off Nourish, so I figured it was the better path. I use Nature's Swiftness with a macro for Healing Touch, so I have an instant 12-25k heal ready for my "oh shit" button if Swiftmend is on cooldown. I am of course a raid healer, so buffing my Rejuvination and Wild Growth is always good too, which is why I glyph for them. Revitalize is a phenomenal talent, since it restores Energy, mana, rage, and runic power which can help a raid's overall DPS and the length in which it can last. 3. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions): 20 years young. I'll be 21 come august. 4. List your current professions and describe how they help when raiding: Elixir Master & Enchanter. The alchemy gives me more powerful flasks which last longer, and my endless mana potion is like an extra cooldown I can use each fight for 2-3k mana. The enchanting is for the added +46 Spellpower with my ring enchants, and the convenience of enchanting new gear on the spot. 5. Time playing WoW and PvE progression: I've been playing since Vanilla, but only raided since BC. The WotLK content I have cleared is: Nax 10/25 OS 10/25 EoE 10/25 Vault 10/25 Ulduar 10 (Starcaller / Hardmode drake on my druid. Did half of 25-man and took a break from WoW) I came back when ICC just came out and cleared/geared up with: Ony 10/25 ToC 10/25 ToGC 10 ICC 10 (11/12 - LK to 40%, but only had a few hours to clear it all) ICC 25 (7/12 - The first wing, Rotface, Festergut & Blood Princes) 6. Describe your method for theorycrafting your class: [Fluffytoy] I try to maintain my haste cap in a 25-man raid, while balancing my MP5 and Spellpower. I'm not a fan of spirit stacking, or Spellpower stacking, because without an even balance you can OOM to fast or heal for so little you may as well go boomkin. Generally, I just match all my sockets with 12 Spellpower / 10 Haste, 12 Spellpower / 10 Spirit, or gems of the sort. This allows me to maintain a solid amount of HPS without going OOM, and gets the most overall stats out of the gear I have on as possible. 7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding (family, classes, dorm, night shifts etc): I'm attending school right now, so I am usually home by 5:00pm Server. I live in Northern Alberta, almost in the Northwest Territories, so if we have area-wide outages, it usually takes a little longer for stuff to come back up. It doesn't happen often, but better to mention it. I also live with my sister and brother in-law, however they leave me alone for the most part. We only have one car between the three of us, so sometimes I must pick someone up or drive them to work, which means I have to leave around 11-11:30pm server. 8. Guild you are leaving and why (If you join another guild without following up here, application will be closed): <exile>. We down the same 7 bosses weekly and call it, and the roster is not at all competitive so a lot of people slack. I also have my own personal reasons to get out before there is a drama issue, since a lot of smack-talking goes on in vent behind each others' backs. I'm not a fan, so I'd just like to get out. 9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild: I seen the trade message. I've raided with a few members before, but I don't know any personally. I was just talking with Kié in vent and decided I'd App, because the worst that will happen is I get turned down. 10. List consumables you bring to raid: [Fluffytoy] Flasks of the Frost Wyrm, and some 40 SP food. I also have some Rhino Dogs for MP5 I believe; been on this toon forever. 11. Any Scheduling conflicts (consider possible weekend groups for 10mans): None. I usually PUG on my alt Fridays with Kié, and 10-mans can wait for the weekend. 12. Provide measure of your damage/healing such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s), WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing: I will have to get a screenshot to update this later. I usually solo heal the outside of Velithria, and have done over 10k HPS on fights like Twins and such. I do about 6k HPS on 10-man Blood Queen too; haven't been to 25-man. 13. Provide a UI screenshot: http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b337/c-man619/WoWScrnShot_030910_205014.jpg I use the same Raid UI as Dragpo, my alt. 14. Final comments you feel could help your application: I've been raiding for quite some time now, and am experienced in most classes. My main character is a healer, so I'm a huge fan of avoiding unnecessary damage, and am not a meter freak, so I have no problems lowering personal DPS to heighten the raids if I can in any way. If you need any references, I'm sure Kie would be more than happy to oblige, as well as a few people from exile. Let me know and I can get back to you.
Looks pretty good. How are you at avoiding Malleable Goo on Putricide? Looks like weekends are not a problem, that's when our 10 mans usually run. Your gear and experience are up to par with the content we are approaching. Have you attempted Putricide or Blood Queen on 25 man? They are essentially the same as 10 man. We also use druids as raid healers. I'm sure Limegreen will pick apart your talents, gemming, and theory crafting. Good luck
1. What sites do you read/people do you talk to to keep up on current class mechanics, specs, etc? 2. List the current accepted raid healing spec (and where you pulled it from), and what your spec is different. 3. Tell me the haste caps for both specs and why.
Maybe not retard, but Special Ed for sure. haha Yeah, it is pretty bad ass. I've been to 25-Put on my DK, but we only did 3 attempts and called it. My guild doesn't seem to keep on progression right now. I can avoid Malleable Goo, since it's pretty easy to see a giant green ball flying in my direction, and I understand it only hits when it explodes, not if I touch it while it's bouncing. I've cleared 10-man quite a few times though, so the mechanics are pretty simple. It's just a matter of having 25 people who understand how mechanics work. 1. I talk to Sparowhawk (<exile>) and Molasses (<W A R>) about specs and mechanics. I also keep up on patch notes and stuff, since all of my friends are forum whores. haha. 2. I'll admit, I don't visit elitist jerks or anything of the sort very often. I do talk about my class with others quite often though. I like to actually look at my talents and choose the most beneficial myself. I had used the Tranquil Spirit talent for a while, but since I rarely ever have mana problems, and don't use Nourish as a primary heal, I respec'd to get Living Seed and Nature's Grace. The living seed is just helpful, since I always roll regrowth and rejuv on tanks anyway. I got Nature's Grace for Regrowth, since my Nourish is already a 1 second cast and in times when it's necessary to roll a regrowth on raid members, it helps. I recently made this change, so going to see if it helps me with my style of healing before I keep it a permanent change. 3. Well in a 25-man raid, I'm assuming there is a Wrath of Air totem, as well as either Swift Retribution Aura or Improved Moonkin Aura. Also, Gift of the Earthmother is pretty important to have 5/5. Spec 1: My current spec, requiring ~856 Haste Rating to hit the cap (1 Second GCD). I have 14/0/57 Spec 3: 11/0/60, which does not get Nature's Grace. This requires ~856 Haste rating still. Spec 2: 18/0/54, which goes down to Celestial Focus in order to lower the Haste rating required on your gear to ~735. I don't find the four talent points worth it, since 856 Haste is pretty easily reached. I currently have 805 since I changed my Haste helmet for my T10.25, and have yet to regem for it. I do however see a problem in the future, since haste is very scarce on the T10 gear for Resto Druids. I have been thinking of changing my spec to 18/0/54 and picking up 1/3 Brambles and 3/3 Celestial Focus, then dropping my Living Seed and Empowered Touch, and finishing off Nature's Bounty 5/5. --------- I actually forgot all about this because I started looking more into matching my gear with my spec. I've actually changed it to the 18/0/54 spec for now, until I can pick up more haste on my gear. Once I comfortably break 856, I will respec back to 14/0/57 or 11/0/60. If you have any honest opinions about changes I should make, all I ask is you back up any information you throw my way and if it suits me, I'd be more than happy to change an aspect of my spec, gear, or play-style.