Saff, ever heard the phrase "pot calling the ketle black"?? I have never seen you do anything buy flame the PS3. I don't own either, but have gamed on both. Not really sure what the motivation you have in the continued Sony PS3 Hate Campaign, but it is a bit threadbare at this point.
That is because many people are still stuck in the manichean mentality. The binary, light or dark, mind setting : _If someone underlines or speaks of the faults of one side, it obligatory means he is a member or supporter of the other side. _It simply cannot be due to facts. There have to be hate if he speaks ill of something you like. It cannot be grounded in reality and clear thinking. To illustrate my point, let me quote myself : "X360 had hardware faults. PS3 has software ones. I wish they would do a new console together, that would be fun " Here, I'm criticizing both systems for their shortcomings. Those things I mention are facts. "Guess that's what you get for designing a hardware that is a pain to program for" The PS3 is difficult to program for. That's a recognized fact, not my imagination. Speaking of the X360: 'it's all dandy and all to bitch about a defective product, but what initiative do you take once you know that the X360's cooling is insufficient' Calling the X360 a defective product is hardly the speak of X360 fanboy. As for other X360 shortcomings, I have already made a thread about the closing of XboxLive servers for Xbox 1 games where I express my dissatisfaction in no uncertain terms. I'm sorry Seven, but this statement is wrong. You did post in the thread I am talking about : Ok, Microsoft fking sux in the gaming market too Here is your post :
Oh no! My Rock Bank 2 trophies are gone. What will I ever do? GO OUTSIDE? PLAY THE GAME AGAIN!?!?!?!? I guess I'll just spend my time on this earth deciding.
Personally like PS3 better, not having to play on the PS3 is schweet. PS3 has had two defects and I see crying x1000. Not saying anyone is here, but I've seen youtube videos about the error a while ago, now this... I'm not saying that I like to see errors, but aren't errors humane? People do make errors like the red ring of death that happened for a long time, hell I had a buddy sent his in got a new one and red ringed again. Just preference =] Lets keep it cool in the XoO.
still i would rather only be out a day due to waiting for a simple patch to fix a software issue, compared to waiting 2 weeks while sending in my 360 only to get someone else's refurbished one.