(TERA) Mitch's Awesome Application Form!

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by mitchcm34, Feb 28, 2010.

  1. mitchcm34

    Feb 28, 2010
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    Xen of Onslaught
    (Other Games) TERA Application Form

    1. Age (18+ Requirement):
    I am 20 years old!
    2. In-Game Name:
    My first character will be named Surpass, if not already taken. xD
    3. Do you have vent and a mic?:
    Yes and yes.
    4. Previous gaming experience:
    I started playing MMOs when I was 10, with Everquest 1 and Ultima Online as my first MMOs. Recently I have played heroes of Newerth, Mass Effect 2, The Chronicles of Spellborn, Bioshock 2, Eve Online, Darkfall, Sword of the New World, Mortal Online beta, as well as many others. I also play too many to name single-player / LAN games. I dislike consoles, and I love PC games!
    5. Why did you choose XoO?:
    I had fun in a guild similar to this in the game Darkfall. They are called Covenant of the Phoenix and they did not have much focus on PvP aspects as I require. I wanted to join a PvP adult gaming guild/clan for TERA to feed my PvP appetite.
    6. Why do you think you'll be a good fit?:
    I'm applying here to make some cool friends and help out some guild mates in-game. Also, I only play games like this for the pvp, and as this is a pvp oriented guild, I believe I will fit well.
    7. What will you contribute to the guild:
    I will help to cut down all enemies of XoO and anyone who gets in the way. With me, this guild will become the best and most feared on the server. >.<
    8. How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?:
    I will help new players as well as share any knowledge I have gained from the game to help make the players of this guild better than anyone else in the game.
    9. Do you have a referal?:
    I was referred here by Kyoji's XoO recruitment thread on the TERA forums.
    10. A little bit about yourself:
    Hey, my name is Mitch. I am studying Computer Engineering for my 3rd year. I like the tv series Heroes and Spartacus. I've tried almost every PC game I can get my hands on. My roommate and I have an apartment in which we both games all the time. When it comes to RPG games, I love the play style of a rogue/PK class, for TERA I will play a warrior or archer as my first. My roommate will also play this game with me, he tends to play a healer/support class.
    11. Activity Level? (hrs/week):
    12. Apply to usergroup:
    TERA players (if there is one)
    Gamer Chat
    Eve players
    Anime Junkies
    Happy-Go-Lucky-Fun-Time-Group o_O

    Drop a post in this thread for any reason, i would love to chat with XoO members :)
  2. Rubius
    Veteran Xenforcer

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Software Engineer
    YYZ, Ontario
    We're the kings of PvP :) Especially in Tera, since a lot of our ex-RFO players will be playing. (we PvP'd all day in that game).

    Good luck with the app!
  3. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Indiana, U.S.
  4. mitchcm34

    Feb 28, 2010
    Likes Received:
    User Group Request Sent

    Okay, done. Sent in the request for the New XoO Member's group!
    I didn't actually request all those, ahaha. I wasn't sure what to put for that part of the application, so I just wrote some random usergroups that looked appealing. xD

    edit: haha RFO, if that refers to RF Online, I played that back in the day when I had a shitty gaming comp :p I remember playing that in a few of my high school computer labs cause they were better machines xD
    I believe I was a mech looking race and I used spears, but I didn't play for long and was probably considered a nub. Good memories from that game though
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2010
  5. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Indiana, U.S.
    ACCEPTED. Post around and get to know everyone. The game will be a while till release so stay active on the forums. Whenever they release the next testing phase you are welcome to join us in vent and in game.

    Vent info is stickied in the Members Area.
  6. Saffaya
    Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    Jun 22, 2008
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    On what server did you play Sword of the new world ?
    Vets ? Experts ?
  7. mitchcm34

    Feb 28, 2010
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    Thanks Kyoji.
    I can't remember the name of it, but it was one of the Baron PvP servers.
    I didn't reach that level actually, probably around 80-90, I actually had fun making new characters and I found myself starting over a lot to help my friends experience the game better. Fun game though.
  8. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Indiana, U.S.
    DENIED, due to inactivity