Bad Company 2 Application 1. Are you or have you ever been a member of XoO ? No 2. How old are you.? 25 3. What is your Battlefield Bad Company 2 IGN ? S.COREA 4. Are you interested in competition ? Yes. 5. What ladder or leagues have played in ? None. 6. How many hours a week do you plan on playing Bad Company 2? 10-20 depending on schedule 7. What other FPS games have you played ? BF1942, BF2, BF2142, CS:S, DOD:S, TF2, L4D, L4D2, COD4, MW2 (I'm forgetting some, but thats the gist). 8. Do you have Ventrillo? Yes, and TS.
Instant win. Good application fella, just give afew more people time to view and then an officer will leave a post.
Welcome Aboard! We'll have Brown move your application to accepted. If you will hit USER CP-> Group Memberships and Join 'Registered Users' you will be able to view our forums and post around. Since BC2 beta ends tomorrow I don't know how many people will be around but I'm usually in the vent channel in the evening if you log in using the members password located in the members section or PM me the Username and Password you want for vent and I can set you up.