Pass the word around to everyone you know and care about the pitfalls of exposing your private life to strangers on the net. If you twitter about where you are ... that means you are not home. Which means you can be safely robbed.
yeh I just saw that on the news the other night. I don't twitter, and I never put any vaca info or such on my facebook. If I go to a good restaurant, folks hear about it afterwards.
Never understood this sudden need for all these people to wright what is basically a public diary. But then I never had any desire to wright even a private diary so maybe its just me.
l2english? wright One that constructs or repairs something. Often used in combination: a playwright; a shipwright. write put words on paper: to put words, letters, numbers, or musical notation on a surface using a pen, pencil, or similar create book, poem, or music: to create or compose something for others to read or listen to such as a letter or note spell something: to spell a word or words
meh spell checker fail I wasn't even paying attention. Besides the English language is the most fucked up language known to man so get over it.
Sadly, the statement that is making is likely to be missed by most of the main offenders. Most people just don't seem to comprehend how many people they are sharing their information with.
Anyone who uses Twitter deserves to get robbed, and probably raped too. My 2 cents, don't flame pl0x You should stop using the following words right now: right, wright, write, rite, and any variation or derivative thereof. Here, I'll point you to another blunder: Hehe, just being frank and blunt lol
Damn, I miss yelling 'LEARN ENGLISHHHHHH' to jimmy on vent. I wonder how the penguins are doing up there in Alaska ? Duuuuude ...
an article from the UK Telegraph, touches on some aspects of this and how it could raise your insurance premiums:
Plus you have to look at the otherside aswell, i can recall a few storys of Police arresting idiots or Verifying alibies with Social media sites, see if i can find the links