Final Fantasy XIV

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Delacroix, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. asgaga

    Jun 22, 2008
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    El Paso TX
    ff 11 was the only mmorpg that had a story i actually watched and read through. that for me was very good .

    hopefully it keeps that tradition :)
  2. Owainn
    Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    hopefully we can get a good group to do good runs and such i dnt expect it to be big ass division but oh well lemme know if something happens...
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2010
  3. Delacroix

    Jul 28, 2009
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    Southern CA
    I'd rather FFXIV division not be a big ass division...>.>; <,<; I'm not a fan of the ZOMG 200 people lulz we did it =D

    I'd rather have 40-50 tops and be dedicated and work together be OBLIGED TO HELP EACH OTHER >,< Anyways, I think I'd like to be apart of the FFXIV as an officer of some sort.
  4. Sogetsu

    Jul 27, 2009
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    Atlanta, GA
    I've always been a fan of smaller, more "dedicated" tight-knit groups.
    I'm not saying that our (or any guild/community/etc) large divisions are NOT tight knit, but I do think there is more potential for a smaller (even though 50-60 people isn't necessarily small) group to be more efficient.

    We will probably have more interest once Square releases a date and more information.

    I loved FF11, and the whole series (even though there's only 2 including 14 in the series that's online, still...) but I still need to be sold on the new mechanics and what-not in 14 to be a 100% buyer.

    Its still a little too vague for me right now, but - that's what the wait is for! :3
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2010
  5. Owainn
    Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    ALL MMO's have time sinks its commonplace even AION had its grinders.
  6. kinetic medic
    Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    If you guys really have a strong interest in the game I'll bring it up to the Xenate and see about starting to take apps for an organizer role for the game.

  7. Sogetsu

    Jul 27, 2009
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    Atlanta, GA
    Thanks KM.
    I'm not even sure if there's a release date, maybe we could get a poll or something to see who all is really interested.

    Either way, thanks again for noticing :]
  8. Delacroix

    Jul 28, 2009
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    Southern CA
    Well I like a nice 10-20 (30tops) guild in my honest opinion, I love those guilds because everyone knows everyone, there is no, uhmm yea I haven't really seen this side of the guild =] Not that XoObies don't try it's that there are so many of us (I'm just using a quick reference of AION for the massive guild thing).

    Yea I'm dieing here I need more info to be happy! haha I'll just have to coup, I loved playin FFXI too, and am not completely sold as well, but I'm at a 50-50 right now because of FFXI was soooo good.

    Time will tell hurry up JAPAN!!! Oh and side note apparently, I did some searching and some people (THIS IS NOT CONFIRMED) got into the beta, but thats only posting from users on different game forums.

    Kinetic Medic- Thank you KM for strolling by to see what the hub bub is =] It's never to early for getting started!
  9. Owainn
    Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    alot of people have been pulling pranks about getting into beta since shortly after new years. SE hasn't sent out invitations yet. The beta application is just a bit of taste to keep the players interested I am expecting beta to actually begin somewhere in the middle towards the end of spring.'

    And thanks Kinetic Medic for taking interest hopefully we could get good handful of players enough make us known in the FFXIV community because I know we are gonna tear up those servers with our might XD
  10. Aral

    Jul 28, 2008
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    College Grad; Networking
    heres hoping!
  11. doctorie

    Jun 22, 2008
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    volunteer worker for alchoholics anon
    Wellington, New Zealand
    Ill try for beta or trial...I throw them all against the wall..see what sticks.
  12. Vincenthius

    Jul 27, 2009
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    Virginia (DC Metro)
    just signed up for beta. I never played XI but am a huge fan of the series and I'm stoked for XIII and XIV!
  13. Vandiego

    Jul 28, 2009
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    If you haven't seen it yet.
  14. Owainn
    Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Well i decided to pour everything that I have gathered up regarding actual interviews with SE dev members about the game.

    Dengeki Games Interviews

    Happy New Year from Japan! Aya and I have been working on a few things we thought you might find interesting.

    Two magazines recently released, Dengeki Playstation and Famitsu's Connect!On, have a few more things to say about the new information. Dengeki has some more to say straight from some of the creators, and Famitsu's Connect!On has once again gathered the opinions of the Japanese gaming community along with expert speculation from their journalists.

    We'd like to start things off with the Dengeki translation, and the Connect!On translation will make its way up anytime from later tonight until next year (depending on where you are geographically)! Things may take some time: it is New Year's Day here, and there's a LOT of good television on.

    This is from the bottom section about the world.

    World; Three State Nations, Bases for Adventurers

    The three capital state nations are starting places for adventurers in Eorzea. From those pictures, you can see that they have different features. It seems like they have different settings for races to live for each state nation.

    The State of Eorzea and Adventurers’ Starting Point

    Eorzea, one of the continents of Hydaelyn, is the stage of FFXIV. 15 years ago, when the Garlean Empire invaded, one of the six capitals of Eorzea fell. Adventurers travel to Eorzea to find word at guilds started by ex-mercenaries that settled in the other five cities.

    Limsa Lominsa; Ocean Capital
    Limsa Lominsa is a sea state nation floating on the Rhotano Sea, guarded by the Goddess of navigation, Llymlaen. They are famous for shipbuilding, fishery and their strong navy, the Knights of the Barracuda.

    Caption: Pirates are said to appear in the Rhotano Sea. Could this picture be…?! There are rumors that there could be some fishy relations between the navy and the pirates…

    Ul'dah; Sand Capital
    Ul'dah is a gigantic fortess against invaders. The area around Ul'dah
    is more like a savanna than a desert.

    Gridania: Forest Capital
    Gridania is a bit different from other state nations in that they have a lot of wooden buildings. It looks like they are surrounded by dim forests that they might be like natural labyrinth for Adventurers.

    Creator's Check

    The location of FFXIV is Eorzea, a region comprising of the Aldenard continent and the surrounding islands. The Garlean Empire, which has done a number of invasions, originated not in Eorzea but in a territorial state in an eastern continent. Therefore, that nation has invaded groups of state nations in Eorzean civilization. The battle scene on the official site trailer shows the fights with the Garlean Empire. We cannot tell you what that battle is yet, but it does have something to do with the Adventurers' ability to "change the World." This power is to relive the past events does not mean to come and go the past and the present like in FFXI's Wings of the Goddess. Plus, we cannot tell anything about the origin and nature of this power, for it is deeply connected to the main part of the story. You have to play and figure out the truth by yourself!

    New Factor: Character

    Creator Check

    Character customization is much freer than in FFXI, but the creation process is done in such a way to bring out the special characteristics of the different tribes, like they Hyur mid-landers and high-landers or the Miqo’te Sun Seekers and Moon Keepers. Furthermore, depending on the class you choose there will be a few things you can change about your starting armor.

    New Factor: Magic

    As this game is one of Final Fantasy series, the system of magic in FFXIV should not be that different from other ones. However, from the new pictures and trailers in the official site, there are some scenes which could be assumed to be using "magic." Though it is hard to say if they are just some special effects in pre-rendered cut scenes or if they have something to do with the game system, they are important for sure.

    Creators Check

    Magic in FFXIV has two properties: "directional property" and "school of magic." This means, even HP curative magic spells can be different in the amount, area, time and MP cost for the spell. As for new magics, there are famous spells from the FF series which are not used in FFXI since they were not suitable for MMOs. Those spells are difficult to apply in FFXIV, also, but we won’t yet say that we are not going to use them. Moreover, even if they have same names as FFXI, there are some spells which have been dramatically changed in FFXIV. Please check them out.

    This time, weapons make adventurers’ classes, but in FFXI, characters with swords, such as paladins and red magicians, could also use magic. In FFXIV, it is not class that will define this, but it is possible to use both swords and magic depending on the character’s growth. There are still a lot of parts being discussed, so please look forward to it.

    New Factor: Dungeon

    Caption: Ant’s nest!? Here, adventurers are fighting ant-shaped monsters. From the ladders and bridges, we can assume this used to be a mine or something along those lines.

    The word “dungeon” can make any adventurer’s heart skip a beat. We’d love to be able to give you a feel of the dark, dank dungeons, but from the few pictures provided we’re presented with some interesting looking fighting scenes, as well. From their equipment we can guess what their classes are.

    Creators Check

    In FFXIV, each area is very wide. Moving between the sunlit fields and the dim dungeons is seamless with no area change. There are pictures with really dark dungeons that may make you think of exploring dungeons with a torch, but the dungeons are made in such a way that torches will not be needed.

    Caption: The dungeons in Limsa Lominsa are crawling with water monsters. There are crabs(?) bigger than roegadyn!

    New Factor: Monsters

    Caption: Quell the beast tribe uprising! The beast tribesmen in this picture look similar to the trolls of FFXI. They don’t even flinch from the miqo’te lancer’s attack from behind. From the intricate designs carved into their armor, we can tell that this beast tribe has excellent craftsmen.

    Creators Check

    “Beast tribe” is a name given to these people from the government. They look different from the people living in the cities and have different philosophies and religions, but they have their own culture and knowledge. Eorzea is now a three-way deadlock between the “people” of the empire and the “people” of the beast tribes, and adventurers sometimes get caught in the crossfire. According to the setting, the two are irreconcilable, but they do say the enemy of an enemy is a friend… not to mention, not all beast tribes view humans as enemies, and there may be those that live peacefully, those that betray, and even those that try to make deals with humans.

    As for the normal monsters, their behavior in the field has also evolved. In FFXIV, as in FFXI, monsters can be categorized as passive, aggressive, and linked, but in FFXIV there are also monsters that are in packs or monsters that prefer to live alone. There’s also a food-chain sort of relationship planned.

    Lastly, the “summons” existent in other games in the FF series also make their appearance in FFXIV. However, unlike FFXI, these summons are closer to god-like existences, and in order to gain their help, even higher hurdles must be overcome.

    Another interview with some commentary

    Elmer over at ZAM has just translated an article from Dengeki Games. A few highlights (with interspersed comments) are below:

    Q:How much of the game will players be able to experience in the beta?

    A:We started at about 10% of the final product with the playable Alpha version and are ultimately trying to perfect the underlying game system. The bulk of the game won’t be made public until the retail version is out.

    This is nice to hear. It’s a balance for SE for sure, but nice to know that for both those who are able to beta test, and those that are not, that there will be a lot left unseen.

    Q:What can you tell us about the transition from the Beta to the final version or about world transfers in general?

    A:Once service starts, we want to make it so you can move along with the friends you make during the Beta to the same world. As for world transfers, that may be a possibility in the future, with some limitations probably.

    Square Enix really messed up server selection the first time around with XI. You simply have to be able to play (from the very start) with existing friends. Frankly, this is even more critical this time around where players will almost certainly be moving en masse from XI. I expect this to be addressed from the very beginning, and not to limited to only those who beta test, as this suggests.

    Q:Does the main story concern the Eorzeans and Garleans battling over the continent of Aldenard?

    A:At first, the story will open in Eorzea, that is, the continent of Aldenard and its surrounding islands. However, the Garlean Empire is based on another, larger continent.

    SE has stated that the released area for XIV will be approximately the same as that of Vana’diel when XI was released. The “expansion by area” concept has worked well for SE and other developers, and I’d expect the same expansion style here. They’ve set up the lore already to easily allow for it, and I would be surprised if they don’t already know where the first few expansions will be directed.

    Q:Give us the highlights on character creation.

    A:We’ve focused on really allowing the player the freedom to make any kind of character they would like, and designed them to be a much more natural fit with the game world. Depending on your class, even your starting equipment will be different.

    I like it when they say things as if they are new – i.e. “even your starting equipment will be different”. If was different in XI too – and was meaningful for all of 10 minutes. Anyway I think the “freedom” comment here is more important. One of the distinguishing features of XI was the ability to create one character and test everything – jobs, hobbies, nations, etc. I expect this to carry over to XIV – and here’s hoping that references to “freedom to make any kind of character” means more than hairstyle or color.

    Q:How is the magic system?

    A:Magic is classified by levels and by the school the spell is from. For example, spells that serve the same function (e.g. heal HP) might have a different level of potency, an area of effect, longer casting time or higher MP cost depending on the school of magic the spell is from.

    **Translator’s note: The answer used very general terminology, but it appears to reference how a healing spell can be classified as Cure I, Cure II, Cure III under White Magic, or at the same time, Pollen under Blue Magic. So there are different levels and different schools that refer to the same function.

    We have so little information about the Disciples of Magic, but I think Elmer is on to something here – and it’s been widely discussed. XI introduced blue magic, which allowed the player to select certain spells, and not only did those selections give you access to the selected spells, but it determined your other abilities as well. Also, recall that Scholar was out there, and depending on what strategem you selected, your spell costs, durations, timings, etc. varied. I think these are a good baseline of what we will see in XIV, where your class and spell selection will provide the variety in the mage classes.

    Q:Can classes other than Disciples of Magic use magic? Also, can Disciples of Magic use swords or other weapons?

    A:Classes are somewhat pre-defined, but that isn’t to say there won’t be the possibility as you continue to level and grow your character.

    I hope they don’t go overboard with this. I didn’t really like it when in FF1 my Warrior can all of a sudden learn white magic. It needs to be worked into the class if they want a hybrid class. We haven’t seen a hybrid class defined as part of the Disciples of War, but perhaps we will get one out of the Disciples of Magic when that information is released. I’d certainly expect that the second part of the question is true – that a mage can use a weapon of some sort – be it dagger, staff, club, hammer, etc.

    Q:Will monsters behave similarly to FFXI, with Active and Passive types, different ways to sense players, linking, and all that?

    A:Of course, there will be many monsters romping around in field zones. The behavior elements from FFXI will be used again, but there will also be other unique elements the can determine a monster’s behavior, like herd mentality or environmental factors.

    Again this was something that XI excelled at. Monsters could be passive or aggressive – and could be spooked by all sorts of variables (sound, sight, magic, skills, etc.). With the advances in monster AI, I expect only improvements in this area. SE has already hinted strongly at the herd mentality, and the relationship between the environment and the monsters could also be a nice addition (unless they are referring to elementals – and then it’s not news).

    Q:Are there monsters that will fight each other?

    A:In the beginning, we came up with something like a food chain system, and it may end up in the game in some form or another.

    They had an ecosystem in XI also, but the implementation was lacking. I think it would add a lot to see monsters interact out in the wild – but admittedly it’s another thing to balance. You don’t want players heading out to a zone only to find that the xp mobs are all dead because another monster happened through. I think the interaction can be done in a very limited way, so that you can see the lion attack the sheep every once in a while, but not to the point of it becoming a regular occurrence.

    some vids

    These are old interviews from back in August when Tanaka Hiromichi discusses the gameplay from Gamescom. More specifically, he goes into detail regarding the command system.

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
  15. Sogetsu

    Jul 27, 2009
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    Atlanta, GA
    That looks just like a new patch or something for FF11 right? /s
    I figured they do somewhat of an overhaul.
    Yet, I can't go much based on 1 video, let alone a video that's pretty short.

    Have to wait and see!
  16. Owainn
    Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    That is just another alpha state video of FFXIV shown at gamescom interview nothing to do with FFXI
  17. Sogetsu

    Jul 27, 2009
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    Atlanta, GA
    I know that, just stating it looks very similar to FFXI, was a joke.
  18. Owainn
    Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    oh >.> soz sarcasm is hard to detect with text >.>
  19. Areli

    Aug 1, 2009
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    Chicago Il.
    Sogetsu being sarcastic? no...
  20. Owainn
    Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    i know right wth.