Actually, it adds a bit of realism to the type of joking men may have toward each other in the military.
The article does seem like too big a deal being made out of a such a tiny bit of insensitivity. I mean..lots of bloodshed...killing...makes that seem very minor. They did have the foresight to make it an easter egg..the press would have jumped all over that earlier..made big drama out of little drama when mw2 was bigger news. still in the news tho...made more money than Avatar...made over a billion bucks..daaaaaamn...probably why the editor ever included the article.
joking or not, realistic or fake... something that could possibly cause an outlash or offend a certain group of people (especially dealing with sexuality) doesn't need to be added to a game. Such things play absolutely no part in gameplay mechanics (other than the violence in a wargame mind you) and wouldn't give it a second thought had they not been there. Unless negative publicity is what they are looking for.
Well, I have heard worse things than calling somebody gay in the army, but I won't go into details. (Okay, it includes a cookie and semen, and the looser well...) Its just like that where you have heads rolling when you show some nudity, god forbid! ... But its ok to torture and kill/shoot people in the same said game. Hah! I'm sorry. Had a few drinks, but I mean no offense, I just find people thinking a bit black and white from time to time. No personal attack towards you, Smoke! And yep, they usually do this to get attention, whether good or bad.
You must love the GTA series then. Racy jokes, vulgar language, and gratuitous violence are all ways of deepening the immersion of the player into the game. While you may or may not agree with them being in there, you have no right to say what does or does not need to be added to the game. That comes down to the developers and producers, if you don't like don't buy it.
I actually do like the GTA series btw. I'm (I.E. me personally) not offended by the word gay or blood, guts, people getting blown up (in video games) or anything like it. My comment was based on people that DO get offended.. and I can see their point of view. Is it minor? I would think so, but to someone that IS gay and DOES get offended.. it's something in game that is -to me- irrelevant to the core of the game and doesn't need to be there. so why include it, unless of course they were looking for it to get out and cause controversy (cause we all know controversy hikes up sales) GTA is based on random violence so to not include it would be pointless to the core of the game, and ultimately make it a bad fps'ish/racing game.
That was pretty tame of a joke, there are worse jokes that get said in the military. It sounds like the developers are just trying to increase the realism and give you the feel that you belong with your squad. Being PC is all well and good, but sometimes a joke is just a joke (thats how comedians get paid) and if something that minor offends, then you will have a tough time going through life.
I agree with this statement, but I also see it from both sides. Gotta take everything with a lil' grain of salt. Unless someone is purposely trying to offend you then shrug it off, or what I always try to do is to joke right back at'em.