erm 64 bit? or 32? bc vista will almost have no problem updating to from 32 to 32 or 64 to 64. but if its either XP or a dif bit then the Win7 bit u want, you will have to start clean and load the bit you wanted for win7
i have an issue where a program will literally lock up for a few seconds, long enough for me to get irritated and often at critical points within games, but then just works again. ive heard "system freezes" that are similar but don't come back that quick and involve the whole thing freezing up, but nothing quite like what im seeing. my pc is a year old now with an i7 processer and good hardware overall. kind of curious why im having the issue, but so far nothing found as to why.
It was 64 bit vista to 64 bit windows 7, the same "version" and all. I'm soured on the whole experience. "Almost no problem" indeed I'm waiting for a service pack or two to come out before I try that POS again. As for "tried 5 different ways" to install a game - tried a regular install, install as administrator, tried installing it in compatibility mode (as admin), tried taking the rar folders out and unpacking them manually... none of those things worked. The only thing that I could get to work was to drop the already installed version from Giff's computer (which is running Vista ) onto a shared directory, and drop that into my program files. That worked. It was really frustrating because the installation as admin or compatibility mode would get to like 98% done, making me think it was working, then it would kick back some file error and uninstall itself again. Similar problem with Borderlands installation, though I didn't brute force it quite so much and went to the share folder "install" quicker. Honestly, not being able to map mouse buttons is reason enough for me to stay away until Logitech gets their shit together on windows 7. I love my G9, and it works fine on Vista; it detects program swaps and allows me to map keys/macros/whatever, and I can add as many profiles as I want, but it freaks the fuck out in Windows 7 and only one of the profiles works. Since I play more than one game, this doesn't really cut it.
Wow. I had no problems mapping mouse buttons with my G9 and now with my G-500 either in Win7. Sucks that you had so many issues.
No problems mapping with my VX Nano. Windows 7 is awesome BTW, Vista is a dog turd in comparison, everyone should switch.
bought a $20 pro license from ebay and installed on my desktop. happy time Nvidia card? If so, that's just the driver crashing. Pretty normal for Nvidia.
a driver crashing would only do it to the active window? i can launch the game a second time and the first sometimes would still not be responding but everything else is fine.
Nope, Dragon Age and Borderlands both work fine in Vista, and didn't work right in windows 7 (BSODs and game or system freezes in Dragon Age, not playing intro videos but playing sound in Borderlands). My computer apparently hates windows 7, and is the exception to the rule of everyone else in the world who thinks it's the bees knees compared to Vista *shrug* It's bound to happen. I am also using an Nvidia card, but that shouldn't really make a difference :/ Personally never had problems with them, compared to ATI which f'd up repeatedly for me in the past. It's a GTS 250.
I'm not sure what you mean by active window, since I always play my games at full screen, but yes, it would often freeze, the game would minimize, and I'd get a popup in the system tray that says the display driver has failed to respond and was restarting. Then I'd go back to playing the game where I left off.
the window currently in use or selected, whether it be a game, vent or even a web browser will grey out and say not responding for 3+ seconds, alt-tab to any thing else and they all respond normally, then after that 3 seconds on some occasions or 10-15 on others, the window starts responding and it won't happen again for a few days. the window never goes to the tray nor any warning about the display driver failing. im at work so i can't be certain, but i believe it's a GTX 260 that i have.
Vista is crap compair to Win7 no matter how you try to brake it down. Vista hogs recourses like there no tomorrow and isnt as user friendly as win7. Like I said most game dont work to well with 64bit just bc it worked fine with vista for you doesnt mean it work for other ppl. I'm just going by what I was told that 64bit versions arnt friendly to gamers as the 34bit. But idk why you would be having any problems since most of the ppl i know that upgraded from Vista with out clearing everything had no problems
have u gotten any updates from Nvidia website? DONT ever get your graphics drive from the CD always do it fromt he website or let Win7 if you have it auto update it for you. then go to the website and see if the drive is the newest one that window found
Logitech win7 here lil link about logitech stuff and win7,5&cl=us,en&p_search_text=G15 Gaming Keyboard
Obviously I'm a special case, seeing as how everyone else in the world (?) who is using windows 7 thinks it's the bees knees, as I have already said. I wanted to report the problems I've had with it here for others to consider before they upgraded, and perhaps get some feedback or ideas on how to solve said problems, but as I've again already said, I'm not planning on reinstalling it until they release a service pack or two anyway, so it's pretty moot. I'm leaving it alone now. Cheers.
yeah, i downloaded the latest driver, but that was in november that it was released. im starting to wonder if it happened before that update tbh as i can't recall.