Rubius shoots and scores Yeah EA/Dice are doing it right on so many leaves Dedicated Servers Open Beta test on all platform's Playable Demo Just to name a few they have always done a great job with team play to wshere even pubbing can be lots of fun. So far looks like this will be the next FPS game for XoO
this game looks awesome gonna aim for it I think as well. Has been awhile since a decent FPS came out.
I always play DPS. Although I think I will stay away from the burst DPS class and go with something a bit more regular.
Good. I shall be able to play this on full settings at 1920x1200, however, these days I realized on recent games that I'm not able to run 60 fps at 16QFxAA, otherwise it drops to 40-50 fps even on 280gtx sli. One of these days, a game worth playing will justify the need for me to spend money on a new rig (I just got a 15% raise starting jan) This will be good. Definately something to look forward to amongst the rest of the upcoming games in 2010.
The recommended specs though. A GTX? Heh. I mean I know they are probably cheap now, I haven't really been on my PC in a few weeks, but still. I loved BF2, I played it up until last year sometime. I'll definitely be rolling over to this.
reccomended specs are typically bang on, unless you're an FPS/res nazi. Required specs are the ones that you look at and laugh. I never really played BF2 or BC, but I'll probably check this out.
Squad deathmatch gameplay. Basically a mode where four teams of four battle for last squad standing.
Been playing the PS3 beta and I've been in love with this game, shame it ended yesterday. Unfortunately due to the specs I don't think I can run this on my PC, nor will I be able to afford the upgrades plus the game. </3
I'll have to start putting money into my piggy bank so I can play this with XoO. It's been a long time since I've been involved with a game inside this community. Looking forward to it.
I actually enjoyed BF2, but the aircraft was the one thing that ruined it for me. I do not mind the vehicles, but the aircraft in BF2 just ruled the field way too much... so much, that people would fight over and even teamkill just to get an aircraft. I hear that BF:BC2 will also have aircraft. Any word on how this will work and if it will be any different from BF2? It was the way aircraft were handled in BF2 that caused me to go to COD4. With no aircraft, I found BF2 a great game to play.
Speaking from experiences with the first BFBC I can tell you that aircraft while a menacing force is also easily regulated. There are mounted anti-craft guns, you can fire your weapon and do damage to air vehicles, and most importantly a lot of the maps are built around infantry combat. I think DICE went this route because of the frost engine and they wanted to show off the destruction. It's really hard to do that with vast landscapes so people can fly around. Another aspect that made BF2 suck was they had jets and your right jets couldn't be taken down unless you were in a jet. BCBF only had heliocopters and I hope that continues.
I gotta be honest with you guys, I've been playing MAG for a while and I'm SERIOUSLY missing this game, it's such an awesome game!