Star Trek - so who is playing?

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Kyoji, Dec 17, 2009.

  1. Reinier

    Reinier Veteran

    I signed up for the beta, we will see how it goes and if I like the game
  2. Kythas

    Kythas Veteran

    Those guest passes good for the beta?
  3. Not sure.... They haven't come in yet.... As soon as I know, I will let you guys know.
  4. anybody know how the steam codes will work with buying from the other sources too? extra armor sounds nice, but i really would rather not have to load via steam
  5. From what I understand they have said you can buy from more then one source and apply all the codes on their website so that you can have all pre-order items :)
  6. yes you can buy all of em and get the perks all on one account ... i am getting the atari digital deluxe so i can get the joined trill and the gun thing haha
  7. i realize that, i just wanted to make sure i wasn't getting tied to steam if i bought it there too for the armor bonuses... and steam's site doesn't seem to have the option to order yet either... ive got my bonuses in the works from atari and amazon though
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2009
  8. Pestie

    Pestie Veteran

    It seems that Steam won't have the digital delux edition nor pre-order on their site until the first week of jan :/ Cutting it kinda close but the unique item from them seems cool and I have loads of other games from steam already so I choose them when I have the choice.
  9. Reinier

    Reinier Veteran

    can you use a joystick with this game? or is it like a point and click/hotkey MMO ?
  10. point and click...and auto targeting on something that engages key to cycle targets....there maybe a joystick option for space combat.

    there is flanking damage from the side in Away missions....and damage from behind is even higher. There are a lot of movement buffs/ debuffs..stuns Etc.

    Turning is important but looking around you is more important....see which way to take a heading and face.

    Its like submarines with lots of subs is the closest comparison I can think of..just faster and weapons have a greater firing Arc...and the fight is not you on one side..them the other..its more like a brawl.

    Staying in tightly with a group is important..concentration of fire..and not being the one ship hanging your ass out.
  11. can i play it on

    how 3d is the space formating? should you fly into another player, does it auto move one above another? if you switch places before an enemy, does the shields of another ship block the attack if they are not the target?
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2009
  12. you do bump into other ships with no damage....

    the 3d space is best to think of as submarines going at. You do not get inverted..nor ever completely vertical.

    heading up and down can be least with the ships Im using atm. Still you can fire above or below if they are within the firing arc of the weapon...and within 10km range.

    There is no blocking of a firing arc on someone with another ship that Ive been able to notice. Ive been nose to nose with klingon ships and still fired torps at other targets.

    You can use large static space objects..asteroids...big space duck behind and pop out from behind.

    Ive used the ducking behind asteroids tactic a few times in PvE against superior numbers or superior ships.

    If their solo ship can maneuver better it dont work...if they outnumber you its usually lighter faster better turning can use asteroids to some effect...get away from the firing arc of the majority of them
    some caveats to how filled the area is with big.
  13. Kythas

    Kythas Veteran

    I don't like the sound of up and down being slower... I wonder why they didn't treat it as true 3d space
  14. Shinjo

    Shinjo Guest

    Anyone know a good store where I can buy a US key from? Currently in the UK, and most of the sites I try and get it from say I'm in the wrong location, that makes it rather hard to pick the items I want haha.
  15. Shinjo

    Shinjo Guest

    Not allowed to buy it from there since I'm in the uk :( They refuse to sell it to me!
  16. Direct2Drive is digital should be able to get it from an online direct download site. If you can't then send me the money through paypal and I will buy it for you through Direct2Drive, obviously you will wan't to make sure you are able to play the game after it is bought.
  17. and there is:
    @doctorie, how similar is that to star fleet command games? it seems to have similar firing arc rules from your SS's but the SFC has basically no true vertical motion.
    are there mines, can you tractor beam people into mines or other collision objects, etc? just curious if i should brush up on my tactics there. also, photons at warp? opponents are which races so far?
  18. I assumed from his comment...

    means that a UK site will only provide him with an EU copy, and thus his dilema as sites sometimes will not allow EU ISP's to connect and buy off NA sites.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2010
  19. Shinjo

    Shinjo Guest

    Yea, couldn't buy it from D2D, they'll only offer me an EU key.

    I'll work something out hopefully ^^

    I might have to take you up on that.