Project something? FEAR is interesting too I guess but played off too much of the killer little girl thing.
Hrmmm.... Will check it out just because I've ALWAYS been a huge supporter of id software but I must confess. Their last few releases have left me with less and less interest. I've been trying to get into the Quake Live beta.
Project Origin And I'm with Molotof. As much as I loved the original Doom, I hated Doom 3. I'll take F.E.A.R. and Project Origin any day instead.
Although better games have come and gone, I still have a warm spot in my heart for the single-mindedness of Doom. Remember when the first one came out? It was like a whole new world opened up for us.
The first Doom popped my Online gaming cherry. I played on an online service called Dwango before I even knew what the Internet was. I will ALWAYS love the original game.
Doom was my first game because it came free with my first computer. I am basically obligated to check out Doom 4.