was hacked within mere hours of the release (maybe before). I just watch a youtube video of a hacker posted yesterday. "Get an admin...oh wait, there are no admins. Vote kick...oh wait... VAC...oh fk it...." lmao. Am so glad I canceled my preorder...would of been a terrible waste of $ for MP game.
I believe so. It shows the players through buildings, walls, mountains and everything. And there are also lines that I think mark the exact path to them.
It broke record game sales...the boycott didn't have much effect. There are going to be 4.3million pissed off players tonight.
It was only a PC boycott. Consoles weren't effected by this release in anyway. I would say, just from looking at sites like amazon etc, that the boycott dropped their sales of PC units by about 1/3. Remember also that everyone who was playing mw1 took them 2 years to get up to those numbers. Now all of them are in the pool for the boycott/buyer, numbers in which include people who don't care about the changes and bought it for single player. Along with no demo release sale records will be broken. But I would also bet that they won't go much higher until they fix things for PC. Just use the current MMO market as an example. Everyone jumps on but realizes its crap and stops playing. The initial buy is going to be huge but long term its not going to break any records on PC.
The 'boycott' had zero effect on the game of course. It's ridiculous to imagine it would. There are tons of people playing the PC version and I never have trouble finding a match unless it's one of the more obscure game types.
I'd be willing to bet that there would be tons more playing the PC version if Activision didn't make it a direct port of the console versions.
I wouldn't call 30k players on peak time "tons", especially considering they sold 4.3 million copies (I know that's everything included but one would assume 500k or so were PC at least). Unless a LOT of people bought it only for the single player, the multiplayer on PC seems to be a failure. I still enjoy a few casual games with friends, but without server communities or any kind of ladder system I don't see myself playing seriously.
Boycotts usually work better when everyone works with it. The people who didn't want to play because of the reasons we've posted many times boycotted. How do you know it didn't work? They lost millions of dollars from the competition community. I don't think we ever expected casuals to boycott, they tend to be fed crap and eat it everytime. Course they play for different reasons than us so our crap is another mans treasure.
Did I think that IW would go OMG the pc community is boycotting us we better change everything we just spent all this time and money on. Of course not. But what the boycott did do is make company's like EA/dice and others say were not changing any thing we will still have dedicated servers. They will jump on the money that IW gave them . So sometimes you can't get what you want but you get what you need.
My hope for the boycott was more to show that the community cares. I know companies like ID are watching CoD6 too see how well it does and how the community like not having dedicated servers. They want to release their new game Rage in a similar fashion. This is a very negative trend for PC gaming so the bigger the stink we make the more likely other games wont take the same path. Activision wont be affected by this boycott because CoD is too big at this point and is mostly on console. But games like Rage that will come out on PC might not have such an easy time if they dont listen to their fans.
One effect of the MW2 boycott: EA/Dice came out and said plainly that Bad Company 2 will have dedicated servers. For that alone I think it's worth taking a stand. Hopefully other companies reach the same conclusion.