Im still laughing..poor cat..but damn..that's funny can I haz meh dignity back??
Don't they regularly do stuff like that to other people on shows like Jackass? I suppose it's not so cool when the victim isn't in on the joke though.
Also, with people, losing arm and leg hair isn't a terrible loss, whereas for a cat, losing all of its fur not only makes the cat look depressing, but makes it lose its main source of warmth. Poor kitty...
I totally miss the humor in it. The cats back legs are duct taped. Poor cat was DUMPED somewhere without a way to get its ass up to get food and water. That's alot different than some kids having some quick fun with a family cat(which would be hilarious), THIS IS SERIAL KILLER SHIT.
Wonder if that's what the Zodiac Killer did at first. hmmm hopefully as far as the cat goes i would've hoped they would at least attempt soaking the duct tape to reduce its attachement to the furr before they tried to just rip and cut it off.... -.- wonder if some PETA person is gonna become a serial killer now (towards the criminal)
if i could do something about this i would. I'm not a cat lover but seeing this makes me want to know who did it and do something though. If i was this cat and could talk id be furious (just from the cats view.) Doing this is not cool at all (didnt mean any humour in my prev statment....i was up all night can couldnt think all but (that cat wants revenge for sure)
I bet they removed the duct tape from the paws last because that's gotta be one furious cat. Also, it looks like one of my cats which makes me angry (I'd be angry even if it didn't look like one of mine).
I have 5 cats plus 2 stray cats I feed.. 3 wild raccoons..that I hand feed. I love animals..but I still had to laugh. Id kick that guys ass for doing that to any animal.
I think people will chuckle or laugh at it if they look at it before they realize what it is, since it looks... different. @Theepic: they probably sedated the cat and put it in water or something to weaken the bond on the fur. Just my educated guess. I'm fairly certain they'd sedate it.
perhaps offtopic, but shouldn't the washington post be charged with violating the Depictions of Animal Cruelty law since they are using it to sell papers?
Comedy is comedy, but... Anyone who hurts a cat infront of me, better be prepared to catch something really fast. I grew up around shitkicker pukes. And I dont tolerate that crap anymore.
yeah, if it weren't for the harmful nature of it... i would enjoy seeing a photo of the person that did it being duct taped and left on the curb. that's what i would find funny